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The Gene Ontology: enhancements for 2011The Gene Ontology: enhancements for 2011 The Gene Ontology Consortium*,?The GO ontologies continue to expand and improve as a result of targeted ontology development, including the introduction of computable logical definitions and development of new tools for the streamlined ...
GOA also provides a sophisticated curation tool, available to both GOA curators and collaborators, called Protein2GO that supports over 40 curators in generating and managing manual GO annotations to UniProtKB accessions by supplying a range of aids and checks to ensure that the submitted annotations are entered in th...
The Gene Ontology in 2010: extensions and refinementsThe Gene Ontology in 2010: extensions and refinements The Gene Ontology Consortium*?The SO is pioneering the OBO Foundry ontologies in using cross product terms (terms explicitly defined using two or more other ontology terms) to manage ontology editing, with over...
Universal Protein Resource (UniProt) strives to provide a centralized repository of protein sequences with comprehensive coverage and a systematic approach to protein annotation, incorporating, interpreting, integrating and standardizing data from numerous sources and is the most comprehensive catalog of protein seque...
GO:0015629 actin cytoskeletonTerm InformationAncestor ChartChild TermsProtein AnnotationCo-occurring TermsChange Log.actin cytoskeleton.The part of the cytoskeleton (the internal framework of a cell) composed of actin and associated proteins.Includes actin cytoskeleton-associated complexes.Ancestor GO Term Name.
For example, several alternative transcripts from one gene may be annotated separately, each with the same gene ID in DB object ID, and specific gene product identifiers in gene product form ID, but list the same gene symbol in the DB object symbol column.When the gene product form ID (column 17) is filled with a prot...
Documentation | Gene Ontology Consortium描述。The Gene Ontology (GO) project is a collaborative effort to address the need for consistent descriptions of gene products across databases.second, the annotation of gene products, which entails making associations between the ontologies and the genes and gene products in t...
Submitting GO Annotations | Gene Ontology Consortium.The primary GO annotation format is the Gene Association Format (GAF) 2.0, or GAF2.0.If the annotation file includes non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs), then the corresponding gp2rna file must include all ncRNA genes currently identified in the genome build, including ncRNAs ...
IEA: Inferred from Electronic Annotation.When the method used to make annotations using the IEA code is performed internally by the annotating group and is not published, a short description of the method should be written and added to the GO Consortium''s collection of GO references, where it will be given a ...
Guide to GO Evidence Codes | Gene Ontology Consortium.A GO annotation consists of a GO term associated with a specific reference that describes the work or analysis upon which the association between a specific GO term and gene product is based.Note that these evidence codes are intended for use in conjunction with GO...
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