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1,目标具体。不管我们有多忙,我们一次有多少目标要去实现,我们一直都在错过实现目标的机会,这不足为奇,因为我们根本就没在乎这些目标。And don''t put yourself in harm''s way — many people are overly-confident in their ability to resist temptation, and as a result they put themselves in situations where te...
译言网 | 【成功女性的十大好习惯】These 10 habits of highly successful womenrange from maintaining your hormonal balance to letting go of the past -- and they will positively affect your mind, body, and soul. Taking action is a crucial habit of successful women...and so is dreaming! Don''t let go of your passio...
人际交往中不要做的十件事,交往是门很大学问人际关系在我们的生活中是很重要的,可是,要建立正确的人际关系,却是一门很大的学问10 Things To Stop Doing in Your Relationships人际交往中不要做的十件事。Want to build positive relationships?If you are constantly judging others for what they do/say, it might be good to reflect th...
This package includes happiness and sorrow, failure and success, hope and despair.LoveLove plays a pivotal role on out life.Happiness and SorrowMaterialistic happiness is short-lived, but happiness achieved by bringing a smile on others face gives a certain level of fulfillment.Sorrow is basically due to death of a lo...
His parents did not share his enthusiasm. "I never expected such an intense reaction," said Wang, recalling the time he took Xiao to meet his parents in the summer of 2007. "When they heard about her background, they were so disappointed.However even for well-matched fuerdai couples, their parents insis...
2 Over 2500 left handed people a year are killed from using products made for right handed people.6 More people use blue toothbrushes, than red ones.用蓝色牙刷的人比用红色的人多。9 One in every 4 Americans has appeared on television.10 One quarter of the bones in your body are in your feet.17 Dogs and cats, like human...
The first, the one you should not meet,so then you may not love 。The second, the one you should not known well,so then you may not lovesick。The third, the one you should not accompany,so then you may not owe 。The sixth,the one you should not opposite,so then you may not meet。The tenth,the one you should not meet,s...
可是,专家发现,广泛使用电子阅读器,比如:索尼电子阅读器(Sony Reader)和亚马逊手提阅读器(Amazon Kindle)的读者因阅读方式变得"太过于方便",导致"大脑偷懒",读者看过信息就会忘记。此外,有专家还分析,读者还有一种心理,估计是电子阅读器显示方式是"屏幕"或者电脑的缘故,读者会觉得这种提供信息的方法...
Britons were not far behind on 52 per cent, Spaniards 48 per cent and Italians 41 per cent。In Brazil, India and China, 49 per cent of respondents said they believed 2011 would be economically prosperous, with only 14 per cent predicting hardship。一项由法国调查机构BVA和盖洛普民意测验中心联合进行的调查显示,法国人对前...
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