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巧用系统“记事本” 让病毒白白运行
遵守Web标准来编写代码会使你的代码干净而且有对搜索引擎有良好的亲和度。Developing With Web Standards - 这篇文档介绍了如何在Web标准下省时省力的构建你的站点,同时还能带来良好的用户体验。易用性也许是网站设计中最关键的因素之一。良好的配色不但能够将你的网站和竞争对手的站点开来,而且还能向你的访问者传递一些特殊的信息。下面的...
phpfunction YOURMODULE_menu_alter(&$callbacks) { // DEBUGGING OUTPUT. foreach ($callbacks as $path => $options) { $access = $options[''access callback''] ?$options[''page callback''] : ''no page callback'';This should show you exactly which ''page ca...
Hosting Review: My Experience With Drupal HostingAN Hosting Review: My Experience With Drupal Hosting.So, you''re looking for Drupal hosting (or just hosting in general), and you don''t want to get ripped off.Drupal Hosting FAQ.Overall, I think AN Hosting offers some of the best Drupal hosting around, ...
Hierarchical queries in MySQLHierarchical queries in MySQL: adding levelHierarchical queries in MySQL: adding ancestry chains.If there is a row in the table with the same parent but greater id, we return that greater id, i. e. we return the next sibling of our row.IF @id IS NOT NULL OR _parent = @start_with THEN24.SEL...
The training was tremendously helpful and Nate and Karen really know Drupal through to the core.This way you can update the module code then run update.php and install the patch in Drupal.You can create a Drush profile drush_make script that you can feed into a drush command to build a clean install of Drupal with all...
TomTom One 3rd 升级简易方法及注意TomTom One 3rd 升级简易方法及注意 [转贴 2010-10-14 02:32:08] 字号:大 中 小发信人: imgod (神仙), 信区: PDA标 题: TomTom One 3rd 升级简易方法及注意发信站: BBS 未名空间站 (Sat Dec 13 00:19:48 2008)前两天才偶然发现了这里和www.ipmart-forum.com,开始琢磨升级我的TomTom One 3rd,折腾两天...
2. copy 这段到php.ini 文件里(这是按我自己的环境选择的版本,服务器就是本机); xdebug config for Windowszend_extension = "c:/wamp/bin/php/php5.3.5/zend_ext/php_xdebug-2.1.1-5.3-vc6.dll"xdebug.remote_enable=1xdebug.remote_handler=dbgpxdebug.remote_mode=reqxdebug.remote_host=;xde...
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