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Ching Ming Festival/Grave-Sweeping Day 清明节。online tomb-sweeping 网上祭扫。funeral supplies/products 殡葬用品。tomb-sweeping 扫墓。mourning ceremony 哀悼仪式。sea-burial 海葬。boat-coffin burial 船棺葬。tree burial 树葬。celestial burial 天葬。flower burials花葬。national mourning 全国哀悼。national mourning day 全...
In ancient times, people celebrated Qing Ming Jie with dancing, singing, picnics, and kite flying.The Tomb Sweeping Day as Celebrated Today。With the passing of time, this celebration of life became a day to the honor past ancestors.While bland food is placed by the tombs on Qing Ming Jie, the Chinese regularly provid...
Qingming Festival.Because it reinforces the ethic of filial piety, Qing Ming is a major Chinese festival.Literally meaning "clear" (Qing) and "bright" (Ming), this Chinese festival falls in early spring, on the 106th day after the winter solstice.Chinese being practical people this sweeping of the ...
龙年看龙:盘点地球上的真实“龙种”2012年是中国的龙年,根据中国的十二生肖,龙是12种动物中唯一一种来自神话故事的动物。海龙跟海马是亲戚。叶状类海龙可长至24厘米长,而海草类海龙可以长到45厘米长。中国水龙(Chinese Water Dragon)科莫多巨蜥(Komodo Dragon)科莫多巨蜥(Komodo Dragon)可以长到3米长,为现存种类中最大的蜥蜴,动物学家...
感恩节:我们应该感谢谁Do you know thanksgiving day? Do you know why human thank god?The thankful parents give us the life, make us feel the merriment of the human life, feel the genuine feeling of the human life, feel the comity of the human life, feel happiness of the human life, also feel hardships and pain and suff...
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