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However, we do have around some assembly code. Like a kernel written in C, our C# kernel needs assembly code to handle the lowest part of the interrupt dispatch on the x86. But once the assembly code has finished, it dispatches directly into compiled C# (no C). BTW, there is some C code in the system, primarily for...
至于虚拟内存,我觉得2000以上的系统对虚拟内存的设置已经很不错了。如果你的内存超过1G的话,可以把这个虚拟内存设置为0,这样的话运行的时候就会快很多。但是在使用PhotoShop CD、3Dmax等软件的时候,程序是需要虚拟内存的,你可以把虚拟内存设置为1。Windows 2000 Server版和Windows2003默认是完全内存,如果是做服务器不要动,如果用来做工...
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