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Fine quality as well as low price will help push the sales of your products.优良的质量和较低的价格有助于推产品。We are satisfied with the quality of your samples, so the business depends entirely on your price. 我们对样品的质量很满意,因此交易的成败就取决于你们的价格了。Here are our FOB price.这是我们的FOB价格单。In g...
Beijing West Railway Station, the capital‘s largest station, has reported a peak passenger flow three weeks before the Spring Festival with 110,000 travelers leaving on Saturday.The Ministry of Railways estimates that China‘s railways will transport an unprecedented 156 million passengers during the 40-day Spring Fe...
一、元音字母在重读音节中的读音。元音字组 读 音 例 词 are [ E] care dare hare ere [iE] here mere ire [aiE] fire hire wire ore [C:] more score before ure [juE] pure cure are ere ire ore很少出现在非重读音节中,ure在非重读音节中读[E]音,例如:picture pleasure 重读元音字母加Rr,再加非重读元字组时,重读元音字母应按-re音节拼...
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