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For at least two millennia now, such people, and especially the philosophers among them, have insisted (a) that consciousness is one of the greatest mysteries in the world and (b) that they have solved or at least shed light on this mystery, each in his or her own special way.Consciousness theorists routinely commit a...
You’re a brand where people are interacting with you several times a week, which is a great connection, but it introduces more challenges, more things to get right across communications, service, product. Equinox seems like a brand where there is a sense of overall experience design. How does that impact your process...
The Facts are True, the News is FakeThe Facts are True, the News is FakeHow to Disagree with Yourself.Agora: news and merchandise.Note the associated straw man arguments by which one not only extracts a comment but also provides an interpretation, or promotes misinterpretation.One way journalism will self destruct [fr...
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