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Understanding the underscore(Understanding the underscore( _ ) of PythonI’m not a native speaker. Sorry for my english. Please understand.So far we’ve covered the underscore of Python. While I’m a Python programmer, I didn’t know some of them till wrote this post. Especially, the i18n/l10n is very new to me.Like m...
iframe 和所有权。为了让父级页面能够以一种合适的方式获取iframe的window对象,父级页面和iframe页面的域名应该保持一致(详情)。3 4 if (iframe.attachEvent){ 5 iframe.attachEvent( " onload " , function (){ 6 alert( " Local iframe is now loaded.感谢所有的浏览器厂商看到了在iframe元素上...
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