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Builder是Groovy相当有用的一个特性,样例常常用生成XML来展现Builder所带来的便利性,例如要生成下述的XML文档: xml 代码 <books amount=‘2‘> <description>books to lean groovy<!--</span-->description> <book1 name=‘Groovy in Action‘ ISBN=‘1-932394-84-2‘ /> <book2 name=‘G...
不过DB4O的的优点则是,本身是 OODBMS,那么对它的操作自然就是基于OO的,同Hiberante一样,但是Hiberante是ORM解决方案,而DB4O则是原生OODBMS 方案。1011 public Person(String firstName, String lastName, int age) {12 this.firstName = firstName;RCP开源项目著名的RSSOWL在2.0中也已经把原有的hiberante+ hsqldb替换为DB4O的...
Eloquent JavaScriptAn opinionated guide to programmingby Marijn Haverbeke.Eloquent JavaScript is a hyper-book providing acomprehensive introduction to the JavaScript programminglanguage.The book is aimed at the beginning programmer ―people with prior programming experience might also getsomething out of it, but they ...
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Google (谷歌)中国的博客网志,走近我们的产品、技术和文化 重读 Google Founders’ Letters (创始人的信)使用"搜索历史"— 切一角属于你自己的网络蛋糕 Google(谷歌)Apps 走向全球 让每一个用户的搜索都"动"起来 谷歌的计算机科学"大学助教"— Google Code for Educators(教育工作者谷歌代码站点...
Rod: We at Interface21, the company behind Spring, announced that we have certified and will support IBM‘s WebSphere Application Server as a premier deployment platform for the Spring application development framework.developerWorks: Why should developers and customers use the Spring Framework on WebSphere Applicatio...
这里是个简单的例子,向你展示jQuery如何影响你编写的代码。这段代码创建一个document元素的jQuery对象, 然后当html DOM文档准备完毕后调用此实例. 你可以无限次的调用这个函数. 另外,在真正的jQuery风格代码中,这个函数还有一个缩写形式.简单的传递一个函数给$()函数:3.jQuery让Ajax变得异常简单。使用jQuery,Ajax恐怕不能变得再简单了. jQuer...
JavaTM Message Service Tutorial.2.1 JMS API Architecture.Before the JMS API existed, most messagingproducts supported either the point-to-point or the publish/subscribeapproach to messaging.In fact, most currentimplementations of the JMS API provide support for both thepoint-to-point and the publish/subscribe domain...
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