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【有声英语美文】A Psalm of Life-人生礼颂。【有声英语】A Psalm of Life-人生礼颂 Herry Wadsworth Longfellow/享利.沃兹渥斯.朗费罗Tell me not in mournful numbers, 请别用哀伤的诗句对我讲;人生是实在的!In the world''s broad field of battle,在这人生的宿营地,In the bivouac of Life,在这辽阔的世界战场,Be not like du...
母亲节感恩父母-英语美文给爸爸妈妈的一封信,母亲节感恩父母-英语美文给爸爸妈妈的一封信,每年五月的第二个星期日是母亲节(Mother''s Day),2012年的母亲节是5月13日,每逢节日倍思亲,别忘了在如此重要的节日感谢你的母亲或者父母。Dear Mom and Dad亲爱的爸爸妈妈:Thank you so much for bringing me up!You brought me into th...
【英语美文】最励志的英语经典句子|微刊【英语美文】最励志的英语经典句子。Try not to become a man of success but rather try to become a man of value. -- A. Einstein ?人必须有自信,这是成功的秘密。A strong man will struggle with the storms of fate. -- Thomas Addison ?He who seize the right moment, is the right man. -- Goe...
英语作文;我的金钱观 My View on MoneyMany people regard money as the most important thing in their life, but I don’t agree with them. There are so many things that money can’t buy. The first, money can’t buy us knowledge, abilities and experience. The second, money can’t buy us a happy mood and a good health.Howeve...
英语作文:快餐之我见 My View on Fast-foodFast-food is becoming more and more popular in China, especially among children, teenagers and white-collars.Your just need to go into a fast-food restaurant, order your food, and your food is ready in time.Second, you can have many choices, various collocations of food.Usually...
My View on Feminism.On hearing the word “feminism”, I think that women are always be insulted by men. Why women cannot get their reasonable rights for their lives? They should have their equal spoken rights on both politics and economy.
《当我精致的老去》美醉了!多少人曾爱慕你青春妩媚的身影,爱过你的美貌出自假意或者真情,唯独一人爱你那朝圣者的心, 爱你哀戚的脸上岁月的留痕。下次可能就没有人接听了。
一城一恋,梦似在天涯 一城一恋,梦似在天涯作者:河豚 编辑:喜好喜好     一抹念想由眉间滑落,泪似露珠,滴落在心间。别离的苦痛,煎熬里的迷茫,一城一恋,梦似在天涯。露珠倾城般的飘洒,雨帘如梦般的青莲,琉璃般的影像里出现了烂漫。你是我的梅花影,杜鹃梦里的心。画尽卷雨倾心,可读梦里仙境。你是我梦的舞池里的轻翩,是我一池...
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