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一楼带花园的房子购买需谨慎 有这些优缺点。很多的开发商为了让一楼的房子好卖出,就在一楼做了一个花园,一楼带花园,这一点吸引了不少的购房者。带花园的一楼,存在的主要问题就是采光不好、潮湿、私密性差、四害多、噪音,以及花园遭楼上邻居破环等问题。一楼带花园的单位并非每个都藏化粪池,通常是几栋楼设一个化粪池,只要楼房验收合格,...
教你看移动筹码分布图(一)移动成本分布 在K线图右侧叠加了一层明亮不同的云,这是新版客户端新增加的"移动成本分布云",它是在移动成本分布的基础上的改进创新。筹码分布图中去除了90%的筹码后余下的就是10%的筹码,我们把这10%的筹码分成两个5%一个5%是筹码分布图最上面的。几乎所有的筹码在单峰密集区域实现了成交换手 (2)多峰密...
Even though home building was regulated during this time, it did not take away from the ability of home builders to plan and design one-of-a-kind homes.The following is an example of the types of homes that were built during this decade: Three Examples of homes from the Thirties.Electric ranges (or gas ones) and elec...
As such, they often read voraciously.In this article, we''ll take you through some of the top reading materials for savvy investors and show you why it pays to read them.Does Reading Pay?Of course, not all books are created equal."Liar''s Poker" (1989)By Michael Lewis This book revolves aroun...
If you want to state something like that, you need to explain how specifically it will affect the company you’re analyzing (e.g. consumer spending may fall by 3-5%, which will reduce same-store sales by X%, which will push down the company’s revenue and EPS by Y%, resulting in a potential stock price decrease of Z% ...
6 Warren Buffett Lessons You Can Apply To Any Investment.In one of his recent letters to shareholders, Berkshire Hathaway (NYSE:BRK-A) (NYSE:BRK-B) CEO Warren Buffett shared the stories of two small investments he made.Buffett still hasn''t seen the property.Here are the six fundamentals of investing Buffett s...
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