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Pregnancy and the Vegan DietPregnancy and the Vegan Diet.One study showedthat the average non-pregnant vegan woman was eating 65 grams ofprotein daily 5, almost enough to meet the needs during pregnancy.Vegan diets tend to behigh in folate, however, to be on the safe side, women capable ofbecoming pregnant should take...
Vegetarian Diets for Pregnancy | The Physicians CommitteeVegetarian Diets for Pregnancy.Calcium: The Dietary Reference Intake (DRI) for calcium during pregnancy is the same as before pregnancy, 1000 mg/day for women ages 19-50,2 due in part to increased maternal calcium absorption.Essential fatty acids: Alpha-linoleni...
A Minimalist Vegan Wedding.As vegans and vegans that run a blog that shares recipes and lifestyle tips on veganism, this was the testing ground for all of our guests to sample what we’re about. Largely catering for omnivores with maybe 5 vegetarians and 2 other vegans, this was our way to show how amazing vegan food ...
12 Best Herbs to Grow Indoors | Indoor Herbs | Bal...
Natural Carpet Fiber Choices.Seagrass is a smooth anti static carpet floor covering that is made from all natural plant fibers.Jute is one of the softest and most inexpensive natural fiber carpet flooring choices available.Sisal is a soft yet durable natural fiber carpet that is relatively easy to dye, making it a ver...
Vegan Clothing Stores US.Vegan Clothing Stores in Los Angeles.Moo Shoes is probably the first go-to place for vegan shoes in the US. They have two shops, one in NYC (their first one) and on in LA. You can also shop on line of course, and this is what you’re gonna find: Keep, Nicora Johns, Olsenhaus, Bhava, Matt and N...
In a bid to change her life from one of consumption to one governed by the principles of ecology, she, her husband, their three daughters, their helper and their dog have gone from a life of excess stuff to producing less than one bag of garbage a week for their entire household!All the body soap and hand soap is from...
Friendly Home Building Materials Part 2MAY 22, 2014.In last week’s post, we gave you some useful information about three important eco friendly home building materials: bamboo, abaca and rattan. Today we continue our foray into the natural furnishings world with three more all-stars: hemp, natural rubber and jute.Jut...
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