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因为腊八节有喝腊八粥(Laba rice porridge)的传统,所以也可以简单介绍说这天又称the Laba Rice Porridge Festival。The laba porridge is not only a yummy traditional rite(习俗) in China to mark the laba festival but also a delicacy(美味) good for health.In some places of the North that do not produce or produce less of...
来学学词牌名的英文表达。我们学过中学语文的都知道,“清平乐”是词牌名。清平乐(yuè),原为唐教坊曲名,后用作词牌名,又名“清平乐令”“醉东风”“忆萝月”,为宋词常用词牌。② 常带 “歌”“词” “子 ”的词牌,直译成song。所以,译成英文时可视具体情况译成“Song”“Slow Song”“Slow Tune”或“Slow, Slow Song”。《菩萨蛮...
The heart of tears,It is in an instant drop into the sea.Those tears that drops from my eyes are the unspoken words that I''''''''m too afraid to speak out.Sometimes, all it takes is one song to bring back all the memories.No amount of damage I don’t care, wiped away tears tell yoursel...
After the death of Empress Fucha, Yingluo became doubtful about Emperor Qianlong.乾隆六十年,乾隆帝宣示魏璎珞之子嘉亲王永琰为皇太子,同时追封皇太子生母令懿皇贵妃为孝仪皇后,璎珞终于用自己的一生,实现了对富察皇后的承诺。Year sixty of Qianlong’s reign, Yingluo’s son became crown prince and herself was awarded as Empre...
Shī Shì shí shī shǐ ?Shíshì shīshì Shī Shì, shì shī, shì shí shí shī.Shì shíshí shì shì shì shī.Shì shì shì shí shī, shì shǐ shì, shǐ shì shí shī shìshì.Shì shí sh...
As early as the Han Dynasty (260BC-220), when the Mid-autumn Festival and the Double Ninth Festival were not as important as they are today, the Summer Solstice was already celebrated.There is a saying in Shandong province which goes, ''''''''eat dumplings on the Winter Solstice and eat...
The heart of tears,It is in an instant drop into the sea.Those tears that drops from my eyes are the unspoken words that I''''''''m too afraid to speak out.Sometimes, all it takes is one song to bring back all the memories.No amount of damage I don’t care, wiped away tears tell yoursel...
杨宪益 戴乃迭 译。One is an immortal flower of fairyland,One sighs to no purpose,One is the moon reflected in the water,昨宵庭外悲歌发,知是花魂与鸟魂?Was it the soul of blossom, the soul of birds?花魂鸟魂总难留,鸟自无言花自羞。In stillness she made one think of a graceful flower reflected in the water;寒塘渡鹤影,...
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