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Unit 1 Unit 2 Unit 3.经典英语在线训练资源。免责声明:本站所有资料仅供学习者免费参考试用,部分资料来源于网络,如涉及版权等问题,请与我们联系,我们会尽快处理。给力英语网是公益性质的英语学习网站,请帮助我们多多宣传,谢谢!
4 Lingling thinks/doesn''t think the park will be busy..Tony:Wow!Lingling:This park is famous for its lake, bridges and the ancient buildings on the hill. The lake takes up over half of the park area. Let''s walk along the lake,cross the bridge and climb up the hill, Then I can point out the sights o...
We''re staying with Lingling''s uncle in Hunan Provpnce,and I''m having a wonderful time here in Zhangjiajie.Then we walked down the path along a river,past trees and other plants and back to the camp I pulled a leaf off a plant, but Lingling''s uncle said that it was wrong to pull leav...
1 Come to learn English in Los Angeles!5 You are certain to get the best possible experience of English learning and life in the US. You must pay for your course at least one month before it starts Do not wait-fill out our form and come to learn English in Los Angeles!In the passage in Activity 2, some sentences about...
There are also some older cartoon favourites,for example, the Monkey King.Tintin is another favourite cartoon hero, He has been popular for over eighty years, ever since the artist Herge invented him in 1929.Charles created Snoopy and his friends,and drew the cartoons to satisfy older people as well as children.2 The...
cartoon 动画片。Tony: Daming,we''ve finished our homework.It''s time to watch a cartoon..Tony:We watched Superman yesterday.Why don''t we watch Spiderman? It''s more modern..Daming:I think Superman is better. He''s stronger than Spiderman.He can fiy through the sky and f...
1 I was not feeling very well so the doctor checked my heart and said I needed more exercise.We have played football for a year now and we all feel very fit.'' So we started running a week ago, But I do not enjoy running,and when I get to schcol,l feel.5 She has played football with the team for a ____and all ...
Daming:I feel ill. I''ve got a stomach ache and_my head hurts.Daming:Usually fast food.Fast food and no breakfast. That''s why you''ve got a stomach ache..大明:不怎么锻炼。Doctor:Well,don''t worry. It''s not serious. First,stop eating fast food and have breakfast every day. ...
太阳和它的行星被叫做太阳系,我们的太阳系只是一个由恒星和行星组成的星群里的一小部分,这个星系比太阳系大得多,叫银河系,或者银河。Scientists have sent spaceships to the planet Mars to take photos. They have even sent spaceships to travel outside the solar system. However, no spaceship has travelled far enough to reach o...
Tony:Sure,no problem. Have you heard the latest news? Scientists have sent a spaceship to Mars. The journey has taken several months..On today''s news,Tony has heard that scientists have (1) a spaceship to Mars and it has (2) on the (3) after a journey of several months from the earth. Scientists have not (...
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