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Love ,promised between the fingers Finger rift,twisted in the love 7。No man or woman is worth your tears, and the one who is, won''t make you cry.We cease loving ourselves if no one loves us.When love is not madness, it is not love.Kind hearts are the gardens, kind thoughts are the roots, kind words are flowe...
日本地震使地球自转加快1.8微秒 - 英语教师网论坛 - 英语教学交流平台。在地震中,地球质量移动得离赤道越近,地球转速就越快。"This shift in the position of the figure axis will cause the Earth to wobble a bit differently as it rotates, but will not cause a shift of the Earth''s axis in space -only external forc...
因为电子设备,比如电视和电脑屏幕所"释放"出的人造光会"过度刺激"大脑,影响睡眠质量。Sleeplessness: One of the worst activities for causing sleep problems is video games, according to the major survey by the U.S. National Sleep Foundation The worst activities are video games, using mobiles and surfing...
Under current divorce law, husbands and wives each get half of the marital assets unless one is proven to have acted in a way that violated the marriage 现行的离婚法规定,夫妻双方对婚后财产各拥有一半份额,除非有证据证明一方有背叛婚姻的行为。Li Mingshun, a law professor at China Women`s University in Beijing, said ...
Dr Scott said: "Women were harmed more by surface acting, meaning their mood worsened even more than the men and they withdrew more from work. 斯科特博士说:"女性在表层伪装中受到的伤害更大,这意味着她们的情绪会比男性变得更糟,也更不想工作。Although, ''deep acting'' seemed to improve mood i...
AProjectManagement. I was very interested in this course when I was a student.And I think it''s very useful for my present work. ⑤IDo you feel that you have received a good general training?AOvertimework is very common in companies. I can work overtime if it''snecessarybut I don''t t...
Over recent years people around the world have been suffering from an increasing fear of their own ''insignificance'', according to Dr Carlo Strenger of Tel Aviv University.Today, even high achievers constantly fear that they are insignificant when they compare themselves to success stories in the medi...
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