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十一海外游,300句常用英语口语全攻略!十一,如果你要海外游,那么,免不了会遇到过海关、住酒店、换币、购物、问路等问题。英语不好的你,是不是害怕出现自己羞于开口、只能用手语和眼神表达的尴尬情况,其实 和外国人交流并不需要那么专业的英语水平,几句日常用语足矣!只要掌握以下语句,就能解决你旅途中的很多问题。关于初中英语。
和老外聊天的地道口语第148期:喝茶与中国文化_实战英语口语。We need to bear in mind in the first place that tea, rather than coffee, has been the most popular drink for the Chinese people.It might be an insult to the guest if he is left sitting there without being served tea.understatement1.a statement that makes somethi...
品茶 Tasting Tea小贴士:鼠标指向可以收听单句真人发音 点击可以收听整段真人发音(单词翻译:双击或拖选)It''s a special green tea named Longjing Tea from Zhejiang province.Then, do you have “tea time” every day? I mean, do you drink tea at a settled time?In hot or warm days, tea helps to dispel the heat and brings...
老外最想聊的100个英语口语话题(38):茶香四溢 (mp3下载)_老外最想聊的100个口语话题_情...Tea TalK 茶香四溢。P: You mean you don''t use tea leaves for your tea?In genenl, in Britain wcbdievc that loose leaf tea brcwed in a teapot makes the best tasting tea。J: Yes, I believe tbere are green teas, black teas and sc...
茶艺英语。English for Tea Art.milk tea.B:I use the charcoal stove ,because it is an interesting and elegant way to heat water for tea drinking.It is the best choice for making oolong tea .dark tea .,or pu?The pocelain teapots are best suited for brewing black tea and ordinary green tea .The tea-bowl with a lid allows ...
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