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A. Yes.A. Yes, I can B. Yes, you can C. Yes, please D. Yes, thanks.( )179.This koala bear is very lazy. He _______ during the day, but he _______ up and eats leaves at night. A. sleeps, eat B. sleep, eat C. sleeps, gets D. sleep, eats.( )269.There are many students in the park. Some are playing, some are talking, __...
成千上万的(thousands of)体育迷(sports fan)购买昂贵的门票(ticket)去观看(watch)他们最喜欢的球队以及体育明星(star)比赛。
例: I am travelling next month.下个月我要去旅行。例:The old clock had been being taken apart of and fixed up again for several times by my 10-year old son before I came back home.我回到家之前,我10岁大的儿子已经把这个旧钟表拆卸并重新组装了好几回了。例:By the end of next month, the project will have been being worke...
【汉语翻译】  苹果树(1)  很久以前有一棵巨大的(huge)苹果树(apple tree)。“我不再是个小孩(kid),我不会再到树下玩耍了.”男孩答道,“我想要玩具(toy),我需要(need)钱来买。”  “很遗憾,我没有钱。但是你可以摘(pick)我所有的苹果拿去卖。这样你就有钱了。”男孩很兴奋(excited)。【汉语翻译】 苹果树(2)  在一个炎热的(hot)...
冰岛有冰,但不像格林兰岛那么多的冰(not so much ice as Greenland)。
九. Raymond (2)  Raymond looks good. His shirt and trousers always look very clean. After work, he likes going to the gym to take exercise.  Raymond is strict in his work. He cares about the people on this street everyday. He knocks on Mrs. Jordan''s door to ask for a drink of cool water. He''s not...
A man is talking to the family doctor.“Doctor, I doubt whether my wife''s going deaf.”The doctor answers,“Here’s something you can try on her to test her hearing. Stand some meters away from her and ask her a question. If she doesn''t answer, move a little closer and ask again. Keep repeating this ...
(3)五. A Black Umbrella (1)看(look)了半个小时后,发现了一个卖(sell)便宜(cheap)雨伞(umbrella)的商店,她决定(decide)买把黑色的(black)伞。She thought,“You could carry that when you are wearing clothes of any color.”So she decided to buy a lovely black umbrella and took it back to the school? with her until her classe...
新版PEP小学英语三至六年级重点词汇和句子新版PEP小学英语三至六年级重点句型。Unit3 1、--How are you?你好吗?Unit4 1、Let’s go home! 我们回家吧!Unit3 1、-- Can I go outside now?Unit4 1、--Are these carrots? 这些是胡萝卜吗?Unit5 1、-- Are these yours? 这(双鞋)是你的吗?Unit3 1、--What are you going t...
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