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美联储酝酿资金回撤方案Alex Welsh for the Wall Street Journal纽约联邦储备银行市场部主管沙克(前)在会议室与部门其他职员商讨问题。现年39岁的沙克是纽约联邦储备银行(Federal Reserve Bank of New York)的市场部主管,该部门负责执行美联储的市场交易指令,将美联储华盛顿总部的大理石走廊与华尔街熙熙攘攘的交易大厅联系到一起。美联储...
1983牛市卷土重来?这一年,正是一场历时18年的大牛市的开端。八十年代的牛市开始的时候,标普500指数往绩市盈率不到7倍。另外,1980年代牛市开始的时候,美联储(Federal Reserve)的基准利率为11%,这意味着它只要下调利率,就能够再次提振市场。Miller Tabak首席经济策略师格林豪斯(Dan Greenhaus)上周五告诉客户说,通胀率在上升,失业率在上...
美联储撑腰 股市有远虑无近忧European Pressphoto Agency纽约证交所的交易员。这对股市来说是好事,因为来自美联储的资金最终会进入金融市场,也因为廉价资金会让融资成本保持在低水平,从而推高公司的利润。通胀率终于逐步下降,在这种情况下,美联储得以稳步下调利率,孵育了经济的长期增长和股市的长期上扬。一些投资者认为,这是因为美联储...
Measuring what matters.GDP was designed to measure only the value of goods and services produced in a country, and it does not even do that precisely.For one thing, statisticians would have to make assumptions about the relative value of, say, the environment and new buildings—not just today, but many years from now....
Unemployment shoots past 10 percent.Counting those people, the unemployment rate would be 17.5 percent, the highest since at least 1994.Economists had expected unemployment to rise to no more than 9.9 percent, up just a tick from September''s 9.8 percent, and the surprising jump added to fears that the recover...
With three of its naval ships taking part in anti-piracy operations off Somalia, China for the first time would be in a position to use force to rescue a China-registered boat and its captured Chinese crew.But China''s state-owned press has taken care not to let the hijacking of the De Xin Hai, a bulk carrier,...
Another View: Please Listen to Sheila Bair.Bair creatively morphed the F.D.I.C.''s seized bank asset disposition programs into what became the Public-Private Investment Program''s legacy loan program to encourage banks to divest themselves of troubled loan assets (as opposed to securities) at reasonabl...
More than two-thirds of the shares listed on China''s newly launched Nasdaq-style board ended limit-down on profit-taking on November 2, in only the second session after a wild debut last week, as twenty of the 28 stocks listed on the Shenzhen-based ChiNext fell by the daily trading limit of 10 percent, and an...
美国9月份个人支出创九个月来最大降幅美国9月份个人支出大幅下降,原因是一项广受欢迎的政府补贴结束以及就业和信贷市场形势严峻。美国商务部(Commerce Department)周五公布的数据显示,美国9月份个人收入与8月份持平,个人支出下降0.5%。个人支出0.5%的降幅创2008年12月经济衰退最严重时期以来之最。9月份不包括食品和能源的核心个人消费支出...
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