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盟向非洲国家拨款5000万欧元建设反恐部队。欧盟于日前通过决议,为萨赫勒地区新的非洲联合军事组织拨款超过五千万欧元。The force will be made up of troops from Mauritania, Mali, Chad, Burkina Faso and Niger, known as the Sahel G-5.Stability and development of the Sahel region are crucial not only for Africa but also for Euro...
''Enemies to the east, enemies to the west, enemies to the south, enemies to the north,'' she tells her brother and lover Jaime (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau).下一幕中,和瑟曦争夺王位的对手——龙妈丹妮莉丝?坦格利安抵达龙石岛的大门,那里曾是龙妈家族王位继承人的封地。Jon Snow can be seen running full tilt with ...
你的名字会改变你的容貌。Just as Gray’s wicked deeds were etched onto the facial features of his portrait, so the cultural stereotypes linked to a name come to be written on the faces of their bearers.正如格雷的桩桩恶行记录在了他的肖像画中,和一个名字相关的文化成见也会表现在名字主人的脸上。
以SNH48为代表的中国女子组合日益兴起。Last month, the group’s backers raised more than Rmb1bn ($150m) from investors, eager to tap into a popularity that saw them sell 2m albums in China last year to teenage girls enamoured with their songs about romance, princesses and beach vacations.中国正在崛起的女子偶像团体之一、...
某圈外人士告诉E! News“泰勒不想公开恋情,一直努力保持低调,不被拍到。”News of the pair''s relationship comes weeks after Taylor''s BFF, Selena Gomez, seemed to give her seal of approval on Joe, suggesting T-Swizzle is happy with ''new people'' during an interview.就在泰勒恋情曝光几周前...
中国网民最爱发的表情是''笑哭'' 90后上网时间最长。The young online users input 29 billion characters each day, with the emoji symbol meaning ''I don''t know whether to cry or to laugh'' the most commonly used.The Sogou Pinyin, a popular Chinese input software, receives 240 millio...
复星加入竞标英国护肤品零售商。China’s Fosun has become the latest Chinese group to gatecrash the 800m auction to buy The Body Shop, the struggling British skincare retailer, which has been put up for sale by French cosmetics group L’Oréal.中国复星(Fosun)成为最新一家主动参与竞购The Body Shop的中资集团。法国化妆...
索尼也玩换色游戏 推金色版PS4游戏机。据报道,发布了几张游戏机的照片的红迪网用户克里斯托弗·马克西姆,本来想在停止预售之前去沃尔玛购买该新款PS4游戏机的。On top of looking nice, this 1TB gold PS4 is $50 cheaper than what Sony''s standard 1TB model retails for.除了看起来很棒之外,这款内存1TB的金色PS4比索尼标准...
报告指出 英国高校依赖中国生源。The Times Higher Education Supplement highlighted the latest UK government immigration statistics and found that the number of study visas granted to students from the Chinese mainland rose 10% to 77,290 in the year to March 2017.英国内政部的签证数据显示,在过去几年里,约49%的签证申请者...
菲律宾银行系统故障 导致账户资金出现问题。菲律宾群岛银行日前表示,一个主系统的故障导致银行客户的账户出现了未经授权的资金提取和存款问题。群岛银行在Twitter上发布的一则声明称,有些客户可能会发现他们的帐户金额被扣过了两次款,或者使用信用卡消费时重复记录。该银行表示,他们在系统恢复正常之前,会暂停电子银行。
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