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博客等级: 博客积分:1328.In the womb 18.After growing painstakingly inside her womb for nine months, the baby finally comes face to face with her mother.The sweet smile seen inside the womb is gone now, as the baby is thrust into a noisy, bright world and starts to feel uncomfortable sensations like cold and hunger....
博客等级: 博客积分:1328.During the first stage of labor, the baby''s head is locked in the bottom of the uterus, and is bearing down on the cervix(子宫颈), the barrier between the uterus and the vagina(阴道). The last thing to pass through the cervix was a tiny sperm 38 weeks ago. Now the cervix must stretc...
博客等级: 博客积分:1328.Some scientists argue that there is very little difference between the brain of a newborn baby and that of a 33-week-old fetus.一些科学家认为一个33周胎儿的大脑和一个新生儿的大脑没有什么区别。大脑和头已经长到子宫里容得下的最大,不过他们仍然很小,可以挤出母亲的骨盆。对母亲来说孩子是个巨大的消...
博客等级: 博客积分:1328.专家使用胎儿镜对子宫中的胎儿进行手术。安全地到达胎儿后,教授会轻轻地把胎儿镜推入胎儿的嘴,一直深入到喉咙背面、气管内部,然后他就给一个很小的气球充气,使液体留在肺里。胎儿发育时,肺产生很多的液体刺激肺部组织的生长扩张,这样就能把肠推出胸腔。自从这种对胎儿进行手术的方法变得可行后,这种先天缺陷...
Although the fetus has her own separate blood supply, these increases in heart rate and blood pressure are easily passed through the placenta and have a direct impact on the baby.But when the mother is recovering from the impact of stress and her heart rate is returning to normal, her baby''s heart begins to r...
博客等级: 博客积分:1328.During this trimester, she will swallow a pint(品脱) of fluid every day. By drinking, the fetus helps maintain the liquid balance in the womb. It also helps her digestive system develop properly. But from the moment she is born and the cord is cut, she needs to have perfected the art of taki...
Vowels(元音) are generally lower in pitch than consonants(辅音), so the fetus only hear the melody of speech without the percussion(打击) of consonants. The sound of the mother''s voice is different from any other since it travels directly through the fluids of the body. This may help the baby develop the uniq...
胎儿的嘴巴和鼻子里充满了羊水,其中含有母亲食物中的味道,胎儿可以感觉到。While there may be nothing to see in the womb, opening and closing the eyes helps the fetus develop the blinking reflex, a reflex that stays with us for life to protect our eyes from foreign objects, keep them moist(湿润) and shield them from brig...
博客等级: 博客积分:1328.Research has shown that seeing the face and expression of the developing fetus while it still inside the womb can be an intense bonding experience.But any baby that is born prematurely faces an increased risk of brain damage, with nearly half of all babies born before 26 weeks developing dis...
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