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99个史上更全面的时间管理技巧 | 刘洋 | LinkedIn.斯科特·扬用的时间管理系统,是GTD的简化版,是根据他的个人情况而修改了,阅读的时候,要注意斯科特·扬是自由职业者,有些技巧对上班族不太适用。当你完成了日目标,那一天就停止工作吧。对于时间管理来说,大多数人都很重视每日计划,而对周计划重视不足,实际应该少做每日计划,...
Hey, grads: Your major is not your destiny #IfIWer...In fact, your first job isn’t your destiny either. I moved away from engineering and took a job with a big accounting firm, despite not knowing much about finance. After that I spent time at a venture capital firm and then an internet marketing startup.
What Can You Contribute to the Company?Knowing some guidelines to answer ''what can you contribute to the company'' can help you stand out in a job interview.Also, answering ''what can you contribute to the company'' in a professional manner can make you an impressive candidate to the r...
7 Differences between Chinese and American Culture...In China, the “guanxi” or relationship would again play a big role in their personal and professional lives. They are expected to personally know those whom they are working with to foster a genuine trust among them. Expect your managers or bosses to ask a lot abo...
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