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According to Cathcart-Rake, students from rural areas typically go off to medical schools in Wichita and Kansas City.“It''s called the KMS, the medical student repayment program,” says Claire Hinrichsen, one of the five medical students who signed up for it. “For every year you give back to a rural area the...
Palestinian president Mahmoud Abbas said he would continue to push for full United Nations membership after savoring one symbolic victory for his statehood bid, watching his flag fly over the Paris-based United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization.But UNESCO Director General Irina Bokova said she ...
Those were among the 10 most popular girls’ and boys’ names, respectively, and it was more than a coincidence that they are also leading characters in the wildly popular “Twilight” series of young adult novels and films about vampires.2. coincidence n. (令人吃惊的)巧合,巧事例句:She and I both arrived at the sa...
“Welcome to science class. So good to see you guys today,” said retired engineer Dave Weiss, greeting 10-year-old students at Georgian Forest Elementary school in Silver Spring, Maryland. One day each week, he works with [substitute] teacher Fred Tenyke on science projects. Before class, they discuss the day’s assi...
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