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After male volunteers were randomly assigned to smell either one of the worn shirts, or a new unworn one, saliva samples showed an increase in testosterone in those who had smelled a shirt worn by an ovulating woman.另一个研究要求女性来闻不同男性穿过的T恤她们更倾向于和她们自己的MHC分子不同的气味。这个神奇的时刻如此关...
Today, I want to talk to you about one of the great loves of my life which is the love of possibility.And another piece I want to share with you — Actually, to start that conversation is to talk to you a bit today about one of my heroes, who is someone who has passed away who was with us as a young man and his name ...
Michelle Yeoh:My name is Michelle Yeoh and I play Eleanor young.Michelle Yeoh:How do you travel when you''''''''re crazy rich Asian your private jet?.Michelle Yeoh:While you always look for the best whether what''''''''s in England or in America or in A...
这两天,乔治·克鲁尼(George Clooney)获得了2018美国电影协会终身成就奖。我们今晚也听到很多人提到,乔治那些人尽皆知的无聊恶作剧,这些恶作剧,倒是不属于他的绅士行为。第三,乔治敢于挑战。乔治的这一品质,著名记者Walter Cronkite早在几年前便深有体会,我在家中找到了他当时写给乔治的信件。有吃瓜群众看完这段视频说:“被她说...
好莱坞影史上最经典的50句台词,学英语必须收藏(附视频)曼迪·帕廷金说,到目前为止,这条台词是他说过的台词中最有名的一条,粉丝们一天至少要跟他说两三回。这句台词的日语版是“Kimi no hitomi ni kanpai''''''''”,字面上的意思就是“为你的眼睛干杯。”美国翻译协会的一位译员称其为“优秀电影台...
Facebook“第一夫人”桑德伯格MIT毕业演讲: 你们要成为头脑清醒的乐观派,脚踏实地将技术用之...精彩英语演讲提升“英文言值”从这里开始。One thing I remember from graduation is that feeling of turning one corner and not being able to see clearly around the next.The lesson I want to share with you today is one I learned in my...
贝克汉姆不仅人帅得掉渣,英文演讲更是超乎想象的感动人心(附视频&演讲稿) | 男神生快。今天是男神贝克汉姆43岁的生日,他的帅气,他的辉煌,他的争议,今天我们都不谈,我们来谈谈他是如何通过一个短短的获奖演讲,让贝嫂感动落泪,让团队成员受到鼓励,同时也激励了现场所有人?男神贝克汉姆超感人的英文演讲 来自精彩英语演讲 ...
The Daily Signal专访伊万卡对话稿英文版。Trump: I’m really excited for this generation of students who are coming out of college or coming out of high school and then joining the workforce because employers are competing for skilled workers, for skilled and motivated workers. They’re given the environment we’re in w...
吐血推荐10部帮你提升英语水平的英美短剧,绝对值得收藏!卷福除了神探夏洛克之外的又一好剧,但与神夏完全不同,值得一看!Olive Kitteridge 奥丽芙·基特里奇(共4集,2014)根据2009年普利策奖获奖小说改编,豆瓣9.3神剧!这是一个关于Olive Kitteridge的故事,横跨20年的时间,讲述了关于她的家庭和她作为一名老师的经历。她的丈夫也...
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