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We recently received a request for encoder testing help.
History and capability Model-Based Design (MBD) has been a discussion topic for decades but has only in recent years evolved into a complete design flow - from model creation to complete implementation. In the 1970s analog computing platforms were available for simulation but control hardware implementation was done ...
If the rotor can rotate but the stator windings aren’t commutated, the rotor turns one half-tooth clockwise and comes to rest. If the stator windings are varied to move stator attraction clockwise with respect to the rotor, the motor continues to spin. Reversing the offset reverses the torque.
32位MCU蚕食8位MCU马达市场 FPGA方案尚欠火候。与Silicon Labs和合泰钟情于8位MCU不同,飞思卡尔微控制器部工业和多元市场运营高级应用工程师叶万富指出,近年来,各厂商纷纷推出的低端32位MCU因其较小的价格差异、更高的性能正在蚕食8位MCU的市场,特别是基于ARM的Cortex-M0,M0+,M3及M4等内核的马达控制MCU产品。叶万富强调,飞思卡尔半导体...
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