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Fatworm :)Database Management System Project Spring 2008, ACM Honored ClassOverview.You need to build a database management system with a team, pleass refer to specification for more information.Introduction, by TAs, 6th Mar.TA''s test sample: [zip,5KB] Grading Policy: [pdf, 87KB] The judge explanation is here.
Nachos :)Operating System Course Project Autumn 2007, ACM Honored Class News。To help you get started, we have built a very simple, but functional, operating system called Nachos.It is important to realize that while we run Nachos on top of this emulation as a Java program, the code you write and most of the code we ...
Tiger :) Compiler Course Project Spring 2007, ACM Honored Class.这个对以前都是将代码写在一个文件中的大家来说还是相当有难度。在你历经痛苦完成它的时候,你会看到你的代码能力突飞猛涨。如果你还继续坚持完成接下来的操作系统和数据库的话,那你的代码能力就在绝大数人之上了。The goal of our project is to translate Tiger codesinto...
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