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crab1. any of an infraorder (Brachyura) with a short broad usually flattened carapace, a small abdomen that curls forward beneath the body, 2. any of various crustaceans of an infraorder (Anomura) resembling truecrabsin the more or less reduced condition of the abdomen.
081【讲解版】搞笑野生动物摄影作品之表情包来袭。The selection of 42 images make up the final shortlist for the competition, which received more than 7,000 entries from around the world, according to a press release on Wednesday.Other shortlisted images include a gray seal pup that appears to be giggling, a boxfish that...
As more people in the US are asked to prove they have been vaccinated in order to work, study or socialize, a flourishing black market in fake vaccination cards has sprung up.One of a slew of Instagram accounts hawking fake proof of Covid-19 vaccination cards, whoever was running the page was eager to sell, inviting t...
The world’s hottest smartphone brand is Chinese – and it isn’t Huawei.U.S. sanctions have pummeled Huawei Technologies Co.’s smartphone business. A different Chinese tech company is reaping the benefits.Xiaomi Corp. has filled the gap left by Huawei in markets from Europe to Southeast Asia to China.
秒记: gratitude.
(转给孩子)初中英语单词(背诵版 检测默写版 音频),暑假背起来!(转给孩子) 熊哥英语 本公众号致力于为孩子们的高考英语服务。愿中国的孩子在高考中都取得好成绩。13篇原创内容 公众号 01.背诵版。(点击可查看大图)02.检测默写版。
英文版《西游记》动画片,别样画风超有趣,跟着师徒四人学英语so easy!1重温经典视频内容是由我国经典故事《西游记》而来的,大部分人都看过经典《西游记》,此版本的《Journey to the West》则是以别样的画风来展现师徒四人在去西天取经途中历经的九九八十一难,十分有趣。关注【英语极客】,回复“西游记”即可领取108集全英文《Journey to ...
看英文动画连载学英语:《西游记》Journey to the West.《西游记》英文动画版,语言地道,生动有趣!这个连载系列适合有点基础的初级英语学习者使用。纯英文字幕,边听边看动画,更有利于英语学习者在纯英语环境中建立情景和培养语感。扫码看更多英文动画连载!
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