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Spotlight On: Galanga Leaf Extract — Does it ...Results are promising for galanga leaf extract, but the only studies dedicated to the claims that it increases skin density, smoothing fine lines and wrinkles, by increasing the production of hyaluronic acid are industry sponsored.
絲瓜美容 絲瓜巧祛斑輕鬆美白。將生長的絲瓜藤割斷,流出的液汁,用紗布蘸絲瓜水塗搽臉或肌膚,能潤肌防皺功效;鍋內加入1000毫升冷水,加入粳米、紅棗,用大火燒開後加入枇杷,改成小火熬煮成粥,最後加入白糖調味即可食用。鍋內上火,加入豬油,鍋熱後加入蔥薑絲煸炒香,再放入牛肉末炒散,加入料酒後再放入高湯、西芹粒、料酒、精鹽、雞精燒...
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