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Ascendant in Leo:A person whose Ascendant is Leo will have reddish eyes, large chin and broad face.Ascendant in Libra:If the Ascendant be Libra, the person born will rever gods,and Brahmins but he will be active and will possess a lean and thin body.Ascendant in Sagittarius:The person with Sagittarius Ascendant at bir...
00 月水瓶的童年。还管着月水瓶自己。水瓶这个星座。所以月水瓶对于妈妈的管教。月水瓶特别难低头。因为月水瓶从小的自我。就会让月水瓶有一种自信。在爱情中月水瓶也同样。和月水瓶谈恋爱。而月水瓶的第二个特点。因为月水瓶有时。(而且月水瓶在朋友心里。所以月水瓶身边的朋友。月水瓶在谈恋爱之前。但是月水瓶是一个.(小月水瓶还能长一些....
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