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Then, (full name of the bridegroom here), do you take (full name of the bride here) to be your wedded wife?And you,(full name of the bride here),do you take (full name of the bridegroom here) to be your wedded husband?(Bride''s Name/Groom''s Name), do you take (Groom''s Name/Bride''s Na...
双语资讯 双语资讯 科学家宣布地质纪元进入“人类世” 2016-09-14 09:52.一支由35位国际顶尖研究者组成的“人类世”工作小组开展了纪元更变与否的投票,投票结果以30比3(有两位研究人员缺席)的压倒性优势宣布地质纪元进入“人类世”,并将开始时间确定为1950年。“如果我们的提议通过审核,‘人类世’在我出生前不久就开始了。我们大半辈...
双语资讯 双语资讯 7种美食让你越吃越年轻 2016-09-14 13:58.Cholesterol Conqueror: Flaxseeds.5. 胆固醇征服者:亚麻籽。Flaxseeds also contain two other components that target LDL cholesterol specifically: lignans and soluble fiber, the kind that rids your body of cholesterol.亚麻籽中也包含两种特别针对低密度脂蛋白胆...
双语资讯 双语资讯 恐怖袭击心理阴影为何难愈 2016-09-14 16:55.From the European debt crisis in 2009 all the way back to the Black Death in the 14th century, terror is just the latest latest in a long line of threat to European society.这不是主观或心理上的威胁。But the smell of fear in European cities has a psychol...
双语资讯 双语资讯 1个亿对王健林是小目标,而对这个人只是个零头 2016-09-14 13:08.对,他就是ZARA的创始人兼总裁,西班牙人阿曼希奥·奥特加(Amancio Ortega)。那么,ZARA现在的体量到底大到了什么程度呢?简单讲,中国的服装行业TOP 30加起来也赶不上一个ZARA。相信我们的读者里也有不少ZARA的粉丝,那么大家知道ZARA为什么这么厉...
双语资讯 双语资讯 “健康门”又出阴谋论?社交媒体用户已经开始对比希拉里走出公寓前后的照片,指出后来照片上的希拉里有“体貌变化”。Twitter user Robertbirsinger questioned why Clinton would hug a child in the street when she’s got such an illness and others claimed it was suspicious that she wasn’t surrounded by se...
双语资讯 双语资讯 巴黎增设“城管” 不文明行为要罚款 2016-09-19 11:41.''To have clean pavements will be a tall order but sometimes it''s just so dirty that it''s got to be good news,'' Jacqueline, a 70-year old from Paris'' popular 19th arrondissement told Le Parisien. 70岁...
双语资讯 双语资讯 走路姿势!Using motion capture technology, researchers found that movements reveal certain personality traits, such as aggression, agreeableness and extroversion.The study also found that personality traits that help with social skills - such as agreeableness and extroversion - were particularly...
双语资讯 双语资讯 同名同姓同分数 高中室友同考进同济 2016-09-20 15:23.在填写学校申请表时,两人的首选是南京大学,同济大学是第二个选项,最终,两人都被同济大学录取。One Su Yuxuan was born in September 1998 and was admitted to the Electronic Information and Engineering School of Tongji University.在听闻这两名新生充满...
双语资讯 双语资讯 日本推出88个“动漫圣地”,刺激旅游业发展 2016-09-20 15:55.Kadokawa and other officials behind the newly formed Japan Anime Tourism Association said they would compile a travel route of 88 animation spots by December, including where manga and animation works took place, as well as the homes of ...
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