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最普通的说法是 to urinate(名词是 urination).此外,还有其他的说法:to piss = to take a piss = to take a leak = to void = to empty.然而,「小便检查」又叫做 urine test, 因为这里的 urine 是化验的样品(specimen)。I have pus (或air)in urine. (pus = cloudy; air = bubble)I dribble a little urine after i have finished urinating...
Would you stop being a backseat driver?I don''t need you to teach me how to drive.The car behind us really annoys me.I don''t know why the driver keeps riding on the horn.Give me a break!I wonder how he got his driver''s license.
【Language Tips】姚明正式宣布退役声明全文(中英文对照)【Language Tips】姚明正式宣布退役声明全文(中英文对照)I want to thank basketball.I also want to thank all leaders, especially State General Administration of Sports, especially State General Administration of Sports, Shanghai Basketball Association, Shanghai Spor...
【Language Tips】《变形金刚》正反两派人名翻译大全。《变形金刚3》目前正在各大影院火热上映,今天我们一起来盘点一下动画片中出现的正反两派人物都有哪些吧!汽车人 autobots.Omega Supreme 大力金刚。Doublecross 双头龙。Slugfest 剑龙。Overkill 角龙。Trypticon 铁甲龙。Hun-Gurrr 龙头魔。Blot 龙头妖。Cutthroad 龙头精。Rippersnapp...
绝世衰男 omega male绝世衰男 omega male.我们今天说的omega male也跟希腊字母表有关系,只不过它的位置不那么靠前。An omega malethen is the "last" man.因此,omega male自然指的就是男人中排在"最后一名"的人。也就是说,如果要给全世界的男人按照勇敢、智力、领导能力、慷慨程度等优点排名的话,omega male肯定是排名...
火锅英语名字及火锅英文菜单火锅英语名字及火锅英文菜单北京西三环边上有家火锅店,中文名字下方用英文标注着xxx Hot Pot. 虽然我英文口语很菜,不过在字面上还是了解一点的。国人在万年前就开始在陶制的鼎上涮火锅了,据史书记载,火锅在春秋时期是很普遍的烹食手段。后期演变到意大利人用英文翻译火锅叫Hot Pot。显然违背国人的火锅吃法。很...
“火锅底料”英语怎么说-英语点津"火锅底料"英语怎么说[ 2010-12-17 16:39 ]Hotpot additives such as toners, hotpot spices and pastils are found to be popular at several dry-food markets around Nanjing, the capital of East China''s Jiangsu province.文中的hotpot additive就是"火锅添加剂",属于一...
Experts: Time not ripe to float yuanExperts: Time not ripe to float yuanBy Li Xiang (China Daily)Updated: 2011-05-05 06:50.BEIJING - Conditions are not ripe at present to freely float the yuan, Chinese economists said on Wednesday after US Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner again pressed China on reform of its financ...
高杠杆效应的投资,high leveraged investment,在线英语词典,英文翻...1) high leveraged investment高杠杆效应的投资2) high bar高杠3) high leverage case高杠杆点4) high leverage observation高杠杆观测5) High-leverage point高杠杆率点6) highly-leveraged institutions (HLI)高杠杆交易机构7) highly-leveraged institutions(HLI)...
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