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超详尽教程:从单细胞转录组推断单细胞蛋白活性,让metaVIPER人人可做,制作不易,但不用付费,转发至朋友圈集赞10个,即可获得全内容及脚本!最后,然后生成rank.mat:11filt.mat <- QCTransform(mt.mat)12cpm.mat <- CPMTransform(filt.mat)13rank.mat <- RankTransform(cpm.mat)14#rank.mat是通过执行“双秩”变换生成的:使用数据...
To determine the differences between cluster B cells and other subpopulations of activated CFs,4,8 we compared the transcriptomic profile of CFs that express or coexpress the specific markers Postn (activated CFs), Acta2 (matrifibrocites), or Cthrc1 (cluster B fibroblasts).cardiac fibroblasts (CFs) provide the most sp...
Genetic Cardiomyopathies Causing Heart Failure | Circulation ResearchIntroduction.The focus of this review is the genetic cardiomyopathies, classically divided into dilated cardiomyopathy (DCM), hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM), arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy (AC), and restrictive cardiomyopathy (RCM), each of which m...
The same n-apo AI preparation with weight-adjusted dosing was used in our human trial, where 12 fasting unmedicated male patients with T2D received both n-apo AI (CSL111, 80 mg/kg of Apo AI, 4-hour intravenous infusion) or a saline placebo on separate occasions in a randomized cross-over design study (Table I in the D...
EphrinB2 Regulates Cardiac Fibrosis Through Modulating the Interaction of Stat3 and TGFIntroduction.The role of upregulated EphrinB2 expression was then investigated by EphrinB2-shRNA approach, and we showed that knockdown of EphrinB2 by intramyocardial injection of lentiviruses containing EphrinB2-shRNA can ameliorat...
We also found that, with the exception of liver ECs, the expression of tissue-specific EC DEGs identified previously by microarray20 correlated well between microarray and scRNA-seq–based transcriptomic measurements (Figure IVA–IVF in the Data Supplement). These findings validate the utility of scRNA-seq for identif...
Organ-specific gene expression in cardiac endothelial cells (ECs).Enrichment (P<0.05) of molecular pathways derived from Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) among genes enriched in cardiac ECs vs cerebral, renal, and pulmonary ECs (E). mRNA expression of genes with higher expression in cardiac ECs vs the...
另外值得强调的是:Web of Science(WoS)上收录的文章类型是完全一致的,比如期刊的article类型的文章,在WoS自然还是article, 但是一般期刊的对于短的original article往往称为Letter或者叫communication等(当然不同期刊有N多种叫法),对于这些文章,在被WoS收录后,就变成“article”,因此,WoS里的article和期刊中的article还是有区别的,...
Gene changes in cardiac cell populations.To determine the effect of these cell populations on cardiac remodeling, we first compared differentially expressed genes between Fibroblast-Cilp and Fibroblast-Thbs4 collectively with all other control cells within this data set, cardiac fibroblasts from control animals, and f...
">Analyzing PBMC scATAC</font></font> Analyzing PBMC scATAC-seq Compiled: August 12, 2020 Source: vignettes/pbmc_vignette.If you explore the gene lists, you will see that peaks open in Naive T cells are close to genes such as BCL11B and GATA3 (key regulators of T cell differentiation ), while peaks...
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