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Yes, we have a double room available for those days.A:I’d like to confirm your reservation.A double room for *** at 120 dollars per night from the 1st to the 3rd of July.Is that correct''''''''?How to check in.B:Yes,a double room from today to the 3rd of July.Your reservation is for ...
这一期来聊聊movie,依然是正经干货。青少年电影:teens movie(比如:美国派)电视节目类型:I recently saw a ( 电影类型or电视类型) called ( 名字).It stars( 演员名称). It’s about( 剧情).The ( 电影或者电视节目)has good special effects and it’s very funny...,It is really my cup of tea.I’m a movie buff,I saw a lo...
超地道:出国实用口语2.0.B-Passenger乘客。security gate.A-Security Agent安检人员。Dear passenger ,please give me your ticket and ID.B: Yes, I have one suitcase, one trolley case and one backpack.A: Here''''''''s a security tag for your cabin-baggage, please attach the tag to your bag.A :...
如果遇到这样的事,大家先不要慌乱,镇定自若地拿着登机证上的行李注册存根向航空公司查询,万一还是找不回来,则须填写行李报失单,并记下机场服务人员的姓名及电话,以备日后询问。(打扰一下,我在行李传送带上没有找到我的行李.你能帮我紧急查询一下吗? 这是我的行李牌。(你总共遗失了几件行李? 请描述你的行李。行李的种类:第三步:填写...
超地道:出国实用口语5.0 | 路痴必备。火车站:train station.走:go along/ walk along.1、Excuse me, how could I get to...Then walk along that road till the second junction, and turn right, cross the road to see the Eiffel Tower.A: Excuse me, could you point out where I am on the map right now?A: So how could I go to the ...
常见身体部位及疼痛表达:肺:lung ?我肺疼:My lungs hurt.My 身体部位 hurts/aches.I''''''''ve got a pain in my 身体部位.一般疼痛:hurt/ache/pain.* pain, ache, hurt 的区别。pain是不可数名词,长时间、不间断的疼痛;ache也是疼痛的意思,表示局部的、持续的疼痛,例如toothache/headache ,作名词是...
【牛排的种类】Sirloin steak 西冷牛排。T-bone steak T骨牛排。Filet steak 菲力牛排。Rib-eye steak 泪眼牛排。Kobe steak 神户牛排。【牛排熟度分类】Medium(五分熟):牛排内部为区域粉红可见且夹杂着熟肉的浅灰和综褐色,整个牛排温度口感均衡。Medium Well (七分熟):牛排内部主要为浅灰综褐色,夹杂着少量粉红色,质感偏厚重。Well ...
要来点谷类食品吗,先生?A: And eggs?B: Yeah, bacon and eggs with buttered toast.A: How do you want your eggs?A: We''''''''ll try to arrange it but I can''''''''t guarantee, sir.A:Hi, I''''''''ll be your waiter this evening...
Let''''''''s go shopping(上)Dialogue 1.A:Do you like this one?A:What about this one? It is very smart. Short skirts are in fashion now. Would you like to try it?B:All right. I think I prefer the blue one if it is not too much trouble.B:How about this one?A:How about this one? It ...
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