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Windows下通过Cygwin使用OpenSSh.二、为你的Cygwin建一个目录,如D:\Cygwin。我们这次只安装openssh,如果以后还将其他工具,可以重新点击setup.exe到这一步来选择,那时你看到openssh前的默认标记为keep,意思是保持已安装的软件不变。(yes/no) noDo you want to install sshd as service?下次重启电脑的时候sshd服务就会自动启动,如果现在就...
[原创]通过Raspberry Pi(树莓派)的GPIO接口控制步进电机/Control .../* motor_speed_up.c * A program to control a stepper motor(speed up) through the GPIO on Raspberry Pi. * * Author: Darran Zhang (http://www.codelast.com) */ #include <wiringPi.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <st...
你想要远程登录到你的 Raspberry Pi 然后使用图形桌面吗?OK,这是另外一篇 Raspberry Pi 的文章。假如你和我一样,不想连接各种线或者将 Raspberry Pi 接到电视上,我的方法将让你在笔记本或者台式机上拥有一个 Pi 的图形桌面,如图:这个命令将为你安装在 Pi 上使用 xrdp 的所有软件包,而且将在你启动 Raspberry Pi 时自动启动 xrdp。你可以...
The Raspberry Pi is – as we’ve seen in several previous articles – an extremely flexible piece of hardware. Once you’ve installed an operating system, got to grips with the small dimensions, and found a case for it, you’ll be able to install media centre software and perhaps even begin programming software (after...
DIY a PIC Controller Interface with Nokia 110...http://hackaday.com/2008/06/13/nokia-1100-lcd-pic-controller-interface/http://www.elektronika.ba/694/nokia-1100-lcd-with-pic-microcontroller/http://www.embedds.com/diy-a-pic-controller-interface-with-nokia-1100-lcd/
Long awaited RaspberryPi LCD solution is here...We have been working on the LCD solution that converts HDMI to LVDS, which allows you to connect LCD panel to RasPi.RaspberryPi LCD solution.So, this adapter is pretty universal, and can be used to connect bare LCD LVDS panel also to others boards with HDMI interface (I ...
树莓派串口配置。dwc_otg.lpm_enable=0 console=ttyAMA0,115200 kgdboc=ttyAMA0,115200 console=tty1 root=/dev/mmcblk0p2 rootfstype=ext4 elevator=deadline rootwait.接好串口设备开机,为了检查串口有没有工作,需要安装个串口通讯软件minicom。安装好minicom后,需要先根据你的串口设备进行相应的设置,比如速率什么的。用菜单项的第一个...
Raspberry Pi 增加TFT显示Raspberry Pi 增加TFT显示 The Raspberry Pi Foundation是英国一个小型的慈善组织,成立的宗旨在于推广科技,而非以销售技术来营利。sudo make menuconfig 图形界面的,友好一点或者点击图片浏览相邻一张图片" href="http://www.360doc.com/images/blogjava_net/baicker/RPI_TFT/5.jpg" rel=lightbo...
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