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收藏|老外爱用的35句中国谚语 英译超惊艳!中国谚语 Chinese proverbs 在国外很火哦!美剧《复仇》的片头就用了孔子的名言,国外网站上也有很多关于中国谚语的翻译。歪果仁最喜欢哪些中国谚语呢?An inch of time is an inch of gold but you can''t buy that inch of time with an inch of gold.If you are patient in one moment of ...
日常英语中最简单有效的100句英语句子1. How are you doing?(你好吗?) 。I''m doing great。Today is a great day。I hope you''re enjoying your staying here。That''s a great idea!Have a nice weekend。Nice talking to you。You''re always welcome。You did a great job。That''s very nice o...
常用英语口语绝佳句型100句。I’m glad to see you again. 很高兴再次见到你。Let me explain why I was late. 让我解释迟到的理由。Let’s have a beer or something. 咱们喝点啤酒什么的。Can you cover for me on Friday/help me/ tell me how to get there?Could you do me a big favor?He is crazy about Crazy English. 他对疯狂英语很着...
Bealert to sth 45. play arole/part in sth./doing sth 46. beworth doing sth 47. beworthy of doing sth 48.keep/lose contact with sb。80. queueup 81.acquaint sb with sth。85.congratulate sb on sth 86.dependence/dependant on sth 87. beindependent of sth。99. beabsorbed in sth/doing sth 100. beabund...
Bealert to sth 45. play arole/part in sth./doing sth 46. beworth doing sth 47. beworthy of doing sth 48.keep/lose contact with sb。80. queueup 81.acquaint sb with sth。85.congratulate sb on sth 86.dependence/dependant on sth 87. beindependent of sth。99. beabsorbed in sth/doing sth 100. beabund...
2017考研英语:完形填空固定搭配总结。one after another 一个接一个.one another 互相。do / try one’s best 尽力,努力。break away 脱离,逃跑。catch one’s breath 屏息。bring down 降(价);把(某物,某人)抬下(楼、山);挫伤。bring forth 产生,提出。come round / around 来访,苏醒。take one’s cue from 学……catch fire 着火。han...
初中英语62个必背核心句型,太实用了!话不多说,下面给各位家长朋友们和同学们分享初中英语必背的62个核心句型,当然在中考来临之际你也可以用这个来考考孩子对这些知识的掌握程度,希望能给大家带来帮助!句型2:What’s wrong with+sb./sth. ?句型7:Thank+sb.+for (doing) sth.句型14:stop sb/sth from doing sth.句型31:keep sb./sth.+a...
英语中的五种基本句型结构一、句型1: Subject (主语) + Verb (谓语) 这种句型中的动词大多是不及物动词,所谓不及物动词,就是这种动词后不可以直接接宾语。三、句型3:Subject(主语) + Verb (谓语) + Object (宾语)这种句型中的动词一般为及物动词, 所谓及物动词,就是这种动词后可以直接接宾语,其宾语通常由名词、代词、动词不定式、动...
英语常用介词固定搭配大全,学习必备!太有用了!呀呀学语 09-28 11:51 大。孩子学习英语,背单词固然非常重要,但记住部分英语短语也很重要,尤其是一些固定的短语句子,因为常有孩子在这些英语短语固定搭配上出错。下面就是初高中英语常用介词固定搭配,希望孩子能谨记:好玩过瘾,中国区仅安卓能玩 广告。
SAT语法常见的固定搭配  SAT语法常见的固定搭配。3/3/2015 沪江英语。本文支持点词翻译 Powered by 沪江小D.英语频道。日语频道。韩语频道。其他语种频道。听力锦囊。免费测口语。英语日报。名人书单。英语零基础。口语零基础。英语名言。口语必修课。名人演讲。CET备考锦囊。地铁英语。动感英语。旅游英语。哎秀口语。
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