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【有文稿】怎样才算长大成人?对于一个人是否已经长大成人,每个人都有不同的标准。You don’t have a job, and you don’t own a house and you''re still living pretty much on your parents. So that cannot be a sign of being a grown-up. But I think it differs for different situations. As if at work I feel like I am a g...
最后,毒舌评委西蒙(Simon Cowell)发话,“曼蒂,你现在不需要手语翻译”,听得曼蒂先是一愣。医生警告曼蒂父母,曼蒂的听力可能一直无法修复,她可能会在中年时完全丧失听力。2008年,父亲让曼蒂学一首新歌,曼蒂觉得这个提议非常荒谬,但后来她却发现自己仍然能够歌唱。父亲把曼蒂的歌声录下来,曼蒂把录音带给她过去的声乐老师沃恩(Vaugh...
搞个大选却弄丢了绝大多数席位,这季英剧“梅”完“梅”了……今天,英国大选尘埃落定,保守党(Conservatives)和工党(Labour Party)均未取得绝大多数席位,英国再次陷入“悬浮议会”(hung parliament)的局面(下文会解释“悬浮议会”)。这时候悬浮议会就出现了。当没有任何党派赢得绝对多数议员席位时,议会就成为“悬浮”议会了。2010...
“气”的凝聚意味着事物的生成,“气”的消散意味着事物的消亡。Qi, as a philosophical concept, is different from what is commonly understood by the word qi (气), namely, gas. Although things in liquid or solid form are different from things in gas form, from the perspective of the ancient Chinese philosophy, their format...
Remote workers weigh in on what helps them amp productivity and stay in touch with the office. 远程上班族们在掂量:怎样增强生产力,并与办公室保持联系呢?“I find that the most important thing for me is to keep a regular routine and to shower and dress every day as if I were going to an actual office,” says Jenifer K...
“Post your hours of operation on your door, as with any office and stick to them. Indicate on your voicemail your hours of operation and refer the caller to your residence phone if it is personal,” says Denise Beeson, small business loan officer and business instructor at Santa Rosa Jr. College, in Santa Rosa, Cali...
美文选刊|远程办公提速增效的十八条秘诀(下)“所以你需要纪律,那是制约全局的关键:完成必要工作的纪律;不进厨房的纪律;把不速之客踢出去的纪律。”Check in with co-workers and the boss several times a day.Because I wanted everyone in the office to know I was really working and not watching TV or out shopping, I made a poin...
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