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EM: Yeah.EM: Yeah, absolutely.EM: Yeah, I mean, it’s—yeah. It’s either going to smash into tiny pieces or go quite fast.EM: I think that’s about two years. So the real trick of it is not how you make it work say 99.9 percent of the time, because, like, if a car crashes one in a thousand times, then you’re probabl...
谭词|说文解字聊woman(欢迎参与“女神节”特别活动)长久以来,woman和lady一直都有着明显的阶级区隔,如1847年,讨论文艺科学的英国学术杂志《阿西娜神殿》(The Athenaeum),就曾经出现过这样一个句子:Defendant pleaded that the person described as a woman was in fact a lady. [被告辩称,所描述的那个人事实上不是个女子(woman)...
英语小知识|toilet water是啥东东?一个朋友问撩英语(liaoyy7),在国外逛美妆的时候,听到旁边人问导购要买toilet water,她当时就懵了,纳尼,没有听错吧,厕所水???toilet water ≠ 厕所水。toilet water = 淡香水(可直接用于肌肤)英语用了最直接的译法,就成了今天的toilet water。我们在读英语文章的时候,常会碰到一些长得不太像...
寻找中微子 | 卫报In search of the neutrino, ghost particle of the universe.加拿大萨德伯里中微子天文台提供了一个中微子微不足道的例证,他们用1000吨罐装重水截留每秒穿过它的一千万中微子中的一部分。目前已知的有三种不同形式的中微子:电子中微子、μ中微子和τ中微子,并且直到最近还被认为是没有质量的。例如,太阳发出的一些电子中...
中国特色、中国气派、中国风格。make greater contributions to.to demonstrate political courage and make a political decision to.to make a positive and responsible contribution to the well-being of his people, the interests of China and the welfare of the world.
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