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资本主义生产的4个内在界限(2019版王德峰讲《资本论》:21-22)资本主义生产的4个内在界限 :①必要劳动是劳动能力的交换价值的界限 ②剩余价值是剩余劳动和生产力发展的界限③货币是生产的界限 ④使用价值的生产受到交换价值的限制。第二个悖论/第二个内在界限,马克思的原话,②剩余价值是剩余劳动和生产力发展的界限。当货币无法结算,资本...
A close reading of The Condition of the Working Class in England reveals five core ideas about revolution which Marx and Engels were to develop in the coming years into consistent features of their thinking:Revolution is not something imposed on the workers from the outside by extraneous forces.
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