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道母教是人们对越南地母神Mau 的崇拜,而这种崇拜是越南民俗文化的重要组成部分。ng 是道母教的主要仪式之一,体现了越南文化中对地母神的崇拜。虽然地母神有超过70位不同的神灵,但其中只有 15 位会出现在仪式上。道母教是个母系宗教,其宗教仪式在越南文化中有着重要影响。从2016年12月1日起,国际教科文组织将道母教列为人类非物质文化遗产...
Farmers, Roasters, Baristas | Neocha.The term “farm-to-cup” is coined from farm-to-table cuisine and is appropriately displayed on their walls – it’s truly the most sincere embodiment of the company’s ethos. Farmers, roasters, baristas—from Yunnan to Shanghai—they’re all working together to put Lanna’s specia...
On the same day, Chunwan, the Spring Festival Gala produced by China Central Television (CCTV), was seen by over 690 million people -- almost six times as many as watched the Super Bowl!The most-watched TV show in China, the CCTV Spring Festival Gala has become an integral part of Chinese New Year celebrations.Spring ...
[法文] système d’administration pla?ant sous l’autorité provinciale tous les services des échelons inférieurs chargés de la surveillance, du contr?le et de l’application de la loi en matière de protection de l’environnement.[法文] système de rotation des cultures et de jachè...
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