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Akinori Kimura’s MIRACLE APPLES – Epilogue.It’s only natural for producers to want to sell their produce at the highest price possible. If that happens, says Kimura, such produce will always be a luxury. In so far as pesticide-free produce remains a luxury for the affluent, pesticide and fertilizer-free farming wil...
Kimura’s orchards, in other words, are a collaboration between nature, the apple trees, and the man Kimura himself. Kimura has created those orchards over a period of thirty years. Ask Kimura, though, and he would simply say that he gave the apples a helping hand.It happened when Kimura went around begging the dying ...
He’d already sent the apples on ahead. He had no acquaintances in Osaka, so he’d sent the apples directly to Osaka station addressed to Akinori Kimura. It may sound rather unfair, but this sort of common sense doesn’t apply in his case. When he went to the station office and asked where his apples were, the station...
‘An apple tree in your orchards over on Iwaki has blossom on it. Go and see.’I hadn’t seen blossom for years, so I’d become used to not seeing any. Even when I saw the blossom, I felt I was looking at a neighbour’s orchard. There was blossom on every tree. Honestly, I was just so, so happy at that moment. It’s t...
Akinori Kimura’s MIRACLE APPLES – Chapter 21/24.Following his instincts, he will look at a certain spot and, sure enough, there’ll be eggs there. There’s no chance the pests’ eggs will escape Kimura’s eye, however well camouflaged or small they are. If they aren’t there, then no eggs will have been laid on that...
Akinori Kimura’s MIRACLE APPLES – Chapter 20/24.There was a Greek philosopher there, not one of the shadowy figures.He was sorting out piles of boards, telling one to go here, another to go there.One for each year.His one hundred and seventy thousand yen monthly take home pay was vital for the family finances.They w...
He wanted to study the soil around the oak trees more closely.He discovered that the pungent smell of the soil he’d dug up from around the oak tree was caused by an actinobacteria. Actinobacteria fix nitrogen in the atmosphere and store it as a nutrient in the soil. Rhizobium, which binds with the roots of soya beans...
All he’d been doing was searching for a means of killing pests and preventing disease in place of pesticides. He was trying to apply manure, cut weeds, and isolate his apple trees from the surrounding nature. He’d given no thought to what gives apple trees life. Even though he’d not been using pesticides, it was ju...
Akinori Kimura’s MIRACLE APPLES – Chapter 17/24.And it wasn’t just that orchard. All eight hundred apple trees in his four orchards were getting weaker and dying. On top of his having run out of options, the apple trees – still just about clinging on – could only now succumb to disease and pests and die. All the ...
Akinori Kimura’s MIRACLE APPLES – Chapter 16/24.Kimura still talks to the apple trees when he’s in the orchards. Even when I was doing my research, he would often say things like ‘No. It wasn’t me. It was the trees that struggled.’ This was said more to encourage the apple trees that were within earshot, rather ...
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