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OpenNebula是一款为云计算而打造的开源工具箱。除了像Amazon一样的商业云服务提供商,在不同OpenNebula实例上运行私有云的Amazon合作伙伴也同样可以作为远程云服务供应商。服务托管在虚拟机,然后提交,监视和被云控制,通过使用OpenNebula运营中心或OpenNebula的任何接口。OpenNebula提供Deltacloud适配器与Amazon EC2相配合来管理混合云。Ope...
OpenStack架构预览OpenStack架构预览添加评论5,345 views2011年7月7日JavaChenWhat is OpenStack?OpenStackd开源项目由社区维护,包括OpenStack计算(代号为Nova),OpenStack对象存储(代号为SWIFT),并OpenStack镜像服务(代号Glance)的集合。OpenStack Project Architecture。OpenStack 中有两个守护进程:接收和调解API调用的WSGI应用程...
struct SearchResponse {thrift -r --gen java --gen cpp --gen py SearchResponse.thrift.更新struct类型更新struct的字段时,为了保持兼容性,同protobuf一样,下面几条规则是显而易见的:1.不要改变现有字段的数字标签。生成的代码Java:不同于protobuf的每个文件一个类,thrift是每一个struct/enum/service类型生成一个java类,类型是JavaB...
DotNetNuke。DotNetNukeN2 CMS vs.Similarities: They both have page and page content management function They both have user management function They both have file upload and management function Support page order adjustment Support multi Portal simultaneously They both have zone concept Support Localization Support SE...
Our HomePage definition has nothing on it -which means that although we can create a HomePage in the N2, there''s no properties to set, so no CMS content is actually being displayed on the Home Page.Ultimately we want to display the CMS content on the HomePage view, but our Home page also displays a new feed t...
To link our content items in the CMS database to the appropriate controllers, we need our CMS related controllers to inherit from the N2 controller class ContentController<T> where T is the type of content definition that the controller is handling.Cms.What I''ve done here is add a base Index() action to...
N2 works by addding a custom N2ContentRoute into the route table which handles all the N2 urls and routes them through to the correct controller based on the content definition.We need to initialise the N2 engine and add the N2 content route to the route table, which is easier to do together as the content route needs...
However, over the last few weeks, a number of people have asked about the approach we took with N2 and ASP.Net MVC on Fancy Dress Outfitters and how we would go about adding N2CMS to WCHM. So, after a brief discussion with the guys, we decided it would be beneficial to create a new branch of WCHM that is backed by N2C...
HowTo: N2 Cms install : Content management Sy...HowTo: N2 Cms install.N2 Cms (http://www.n2cms.com/) is an open source web application framework, written in c#/asp.net, which allows you to create content managed websites.Add new login called n2-user (or the name you used in the web config connection string), select SQ...
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