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Tom got angry .“ You are impolite(没礼貌). Why didn’t you take the smaller one ?” Tom said .“ But I was right , ” said Mike with a smile .“ If I let you take first , which one will you choose ?(选择)” “ Of course I’ll take the smaller one .” said Tom .“ Yes , ” Mike said , “ If you take the smaller on...
牛津英语:初一牛津英语训练题(一)答案。答案简析  1. B。丈夫向客人道歉,表示是自己忘了时间,这样客人就不会尴尬了。训练题:初一牛津英语单元训练题(一) 牛津英语:初一牛津英语训练题(二) 2009年花都区中考一模英语试题与答案下载 第九届希望杯初一组第二试试题与答案 第九届希望杯初一组第一试试题与答案 第八届希望杯第一试试题...
Mr.C. The painter drew the picture of a horse and cart.One day, when he was having lunch, a friend came to visit him.""I''m sorry, sir," said Mr White. "Please drink a little, then you''ll be warm."The old man drank some wine and became happy.One day, he went to see the doctor....
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