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食物的英文说法都在这了。西梅英语 西梅英语 每日推送英语干货,和400000+英语爱好者,一起通过文章学英语吧~ 丰富内容,碎片学习,等你来学~ 94篇原创内容 公众号。学了很多年英语,可是,到了真正的日常交流时才发现之前学的词汇根本不够用。为了帮大家避免这样的尴尬,小编收集了日常生活中常见的各类食物的英语说法。白菜...
11 岁的罗密欧已经很久没有见到他的奶奶了。一年前他与家人从英国迁移(relocate)到了意大利,自此便没有见过留在英国的奶奶。relocate: If people or businesses relocate or if someone relocates them, they move to a different place. 例句:If the company was to relocate, most employees would move. 如果公司要迁移,大多数员工得搬...
老外说''You gucci''是啥意思?gucci/''gutt?i/ 大家都知道,是一个奢侈品牌子,也都知道gucci很贵很贵。所以 You gucci 是形容人很奢侈吗?''You gucci''是什么意思?gucci 是国外年轻人口语里常用的词,可以代替 Good、cool、awesome,形容好的、棒的、酷的。You gucci.What''s gucci.gucci...
《小王子》中经典英文语录分享给你有时候一些重要的东西眼睛是看不见的,就像美好的心灵一样。《小王子》中经典英文语录分享给你~Thought that I was rich, with a flower that was unique in all the world; and all I had was a common rose. A common rose…You know —— one loves the sunset,when one is so bad.你知道的——当一个人情...
记住''Today is cold.''不是今天很冷!今天下雨,小西甚至穿了三件衣服,这不,大白今早就一直跟我说''''''''Today is cold.''''''''今天很冷≠Today is cold.按照我们日常说法今天很冷指的是天气,应该是天气很冷,只是根据我们的习惯这样说我们都能理解。I...
''use your noodle''才不是“用你的面条”,真正的意思你绝对意想不到!可“noodle”这个词却不仅仅指“面条”,当有人对你说“noodle”的时候,小心点,他有可能正在骂你!vi.(乐师)弹拨乐器;(即兴)演奏;[口语]长时间地思考;反复酝酿Use your noodleUse your noodle动脑子想一想You know the answer. Just use your noodl...
还觉得“国歌”是''national song''?国歌=national song ×''national song''准确来说,是激起人们爱国情怀的歌曲。国歌的正确说法应该是''national anthem''。At his bidding, the delegates rose and sang the national anthem.As he stood on the winner s rostrum, he sang the word...
这位大叔叫 Gianluca Vacchi,可尽管人家已经 52 岁了,但就像 25 岁一样。self-discipline.而前缀self表示“自己”,后面的discipline有“训练; 纪律; 学科; 符合行为准则的行为”的意思。①Self-discipline has sharpened them up.Self discipline starts with getting up early every day, and most of those who can control the morning d...
双语漫画 | 16张图,直观理解所有的心理疾病!anxiety焦虑depression抑郁insomnia失眠dementia痴呆OCD (Obsessive-compulsive disorder)强迫症schizophrenia精神分裂症alzheimer阿尔茨海默症(老年痴呆症)autism孤独症bipolar人格两极化phobias恐惧症paranoia妄想症dyslexia阅读障碍dissociative disorders解离症eating disorder厌食症/暴食症...
直白点讲就是,老师可以跟学生说“Sit down, please”,但是学生可不能对老师说“sit down, please”。Please sit down 的表达是没毛病的,但是!please be seated/ please seat yourselfplease be seated/ please seat yourself 通常比较正式,此处seat作动词。比如在一个会议上,领导或主持人对大家说:Please be seated.或者 Please seat yo...
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