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In Singapore and Switzerland: Secrets to Small State Success, editors Yvonne Guo and Jun Jie Woo explore this question through two cases that have shown similar economic performance by balancing international forces and domestic demands.
争鸣 | Is Singapore a small country?As Singapore''''''''s 52nd national day draws near, my thoughts have turned increasingly towards our beloved country, Singapore.If we use the yardstick of size of territory or the size of population, then Singapore is certainly a small country.Singapo...
历史 | 李光耀与新加坡外交。1990年2月苏联总理雷日科夫访问新加坡,向新加坡副总理王鼎昌商借一笔5000万元的贷款来购买新加坡的消费品,“我不同意,要王鼎昌别答应他。苏联总理搞到这等地步,得开口向小小的新加坡商借5000万元贷款,可见必定已经耗尽了所有大国提供的贷款信用。苏联所负的国债是毫无价值的。”李光耀对新加坡外交的影响力一...
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