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图3是UE4 G-buffer(Render Elements)可视化示例,UE4的PBR延迟渲染器实现了类似于迪士尼GGX BRDF的高光反射模型,向美术人员暴露了基于金属度-粗糙度贴图的微表面shader材质工作流程,这和CG行业主流离线渲染器(如Chaos Group V-Ray)的材质工作流程有一些区别,本文中我们也会简单介绍一下UE4中的PBR岩石素材材质制作思路。图1 使用摄影测量...
很多人都不知道在输出EXR 文件的时候有两种方式:tile 和 scanline,而 Nuke 读取图像是以 scanline 方式从上至下读取,如果读取tile EXR,速度会非常慢(单通道文件没有感觉,多通道文件感觉明显),转换成 scanline 以后,速度可以提升 5-10倍。我也更倾向于渲染的时候不要直接输出多通道(multi-channel)EXR,而是每个通道单独输出,然后在...
EXR 以 linear 储存后,在显示时才去根据不同的 display device,使用不同的transformation 或是 LUT 来转换。EXR 可以有任意的 metadata,所以是可以在里头存个 ''colorspace'' 的 meta来用,不过这样得确认所有接触到此 exr 的程序,都有去“尊重“这个 meta才有用,不然反而会落得不三不四的。EXR 储存的数值,只有 16-bit ...
Cycles Renderer: how to correctly setup bum...A Final touch can be grouping this bump map’s “treatment” nodes since we’ll likely be using them a lot all over the scene. This way reusing the same setup over and over becomes really easy!
Select the logo in object mode and add a particle system.To make the particles spawn from left to right select the logo again and add a Particle Texture (by chosing the particle symbol in the textures tab instead of the material one).If your shards are very small, use ''Sampled Motion Blur'' instead of...
Render Pass MEL Scriptss flags: -preRender string Mel code executed before rendering -postRender string Mel code executed after rendering -preFrame string Mel code executed before each frame -postFrame string Mel code executed after each frame -postOption string Mel code executed after options output -p...
RIB_ASSET E:\rib_Asset.texture path 栏目中输入 &://E/rib_asset/textures://E/rib_asset/shadowmaps.#define _3DELIGHT9_0_PATH_MENU(STDPATH) \ menureplace { \ "&" "Previous Path Value" \ "@" "Default Path Value" \ STDPATH "Standard Path" \ "&;E:/rib_asset/...
ShadersRSLWriting Surface Shaders编写表面材质。Surface Shaders" border=0 alt="" src="http://www.fundza.com/rman_shaders/surface/img/diffuse_test10.png" real_src="http://www.fundza.com/rman_shaders/surface/img/diffuse_test10.png">Figure 10High contrast shading controls surface opac...
" border=0 name=image_operate_84471334168162677 alt="" src="http://www.fundza.com/rman_shaders/surface/model.gif" real_src="http://www.fundza.com/rman_shaders/surface/model.gif">Figure 1." border=0 name=image_operate_2821334168161694 alt="" src="http://www.fund...
使用?3delight(8)分文档使rib便于阅读?轻松点(转)$hip/rib/archives/$OS.rib(需要在houdini项目的文件同目录下建立/rib/archives的文件夹)那么在rib节点的main栏目下勾选 Disk File 前面的勾 栏目输入$/hip/rib/$hipname.rib.渲染后/rib目录下就出现了 xxx.hip.rib 文件 /rib/archives 就出现了每个模型的文档。这个文件xxx.hip.rib 就是组...
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