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吃马虽然不是什么新鲜事,但是一个人吃下一匹马就属于夸张的说法了。”I could eat a horse“ 用来比喻肚子非常饿,饿的程度可想而知,它经常用于句子”I''''''''m so hungry that I could eat a horse”中,可以直译“我饿得可以吃下一匹马”,例如:Could we please go out and get some dinner? I am so hu...
in vain 短小精悍,是简洁写作必不可少的短语华丽的写作虽然华丽,但对于词汇量或是语法功底不好的人来说,可读性常常不是很强,所以日常写作要简明精炼,这就需要平时的点滴积累,特别是一些短语的使用。vain 常用于组合 in vain 或 all in vain,译为“徒劳无益,白费力气或枉费心机”等,例如:It seems as if the merger will go through a...
关键时刻或紧要关头,用英语怎么表达关键时刻或紧要关头用常规的英语表达可以是“ the critical/crucial moment",例如:critical moment:You must think twice and watch your step at this critical moment. 关键时刻,你可不能犯糊涂。crucial moment:He wasn''''''''t there at the crucial moment. ...
in the air 除了“在空中”,还有其他意思今天给大家介绍的是短语 in the air,除了本意”在空中“,它还有其他的意思。一、air 常用作名词,译为“空气,空中,天空”,此时为不可数名词,例如:Let''''''''s go out for some fresh air .咱们出去呼吸点新鲜空气。三、”be up in the air“ 译为”悬而未决“...
“局内”,用英语怎么表达。“局外人”用英语表达可以是 outsider,同样”局内人“用英语表达可以是”insider“,还有一个习语”in the loop“,它可以译为”局内“,表示知道内幕或消息灵通,因此想表达是“局外的或毫不知情”,可以说“out of the loop”,例如:These activists don''''''''t want to feel...
不要望文生义,in light of 可不是“在什么光之下”的意思light 是一个词性丰富的单词,一般译为“光,光线,光亮”时,是不可数名词,例如:The light was beginning to fail.天色渐暗。当在 light 前面加上其他修饰语时,意思就完全不一样了,例如:in the fading light of a summer''''''''s evening在夏天...
Frank has gone into a halfway house after 27 years in prison.The social workers are looking for some kind of halfway house for the mentally ill patients after the closure of their current facility was announced.The journey was going to take 12 hours, so they booked a halfway house to break the journey.
坚持立场或坚持己见,用英语怎么表达人无主见,必定随波逐流(go with the flow),这是一种有潜在风险的性格,为什么这样说呢?“坚持立场”用英语是 stand one''''''''s ground 或 hold one''''''''s ground,stand 或 hold 都有”持有“的意思,例如:Where do you stand ...
解析:when 引导的时间状语从句,状语从句的主语和主句的主语一致(主句中用的是形式主语,真正的主语被省略了),可省略状语从句的主语和 be 动词。5、In as much as several alternatives have failed, I still would not advice running from pillar to post on this matter. 尽管有几个备选方案都失败了,我仍然不建议在这件事上走马观花。
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