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radar是什么的缩写1.RADAR RAdio Direction And Ranging,无线电定向和测距(技术,方法),雷达(台,设备,探测术),无线电探测(器),无线电定位(装置)
射电星_互动百科射电星 - 正文  有连续谱射电的恒星或恒星状天体。七十年代对射电星开始了系统而深入的观测研究,由于目前射电望远镜的灵敏度还不足以测到一般恒星的射电,测到的射电星大部分都有特殊性质的射电爆发,其射电变化的时间尺度由几分钟、几小时、几日乃至几年不等。可以把已探测到的射电星分为鲸鱼座UV型变星(见耀星)、红超巨...
Medium Earth orbit(MEO)Medium Earth orbit(MEO)From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia (Redirected from MEO)Jump to: navigation, search "MEO" redirects here.(February 2009) Various earth orbits to scale;Yellow represents medium earth orbitTo-scale diagram of low, medium and high earth orbits.The orbit has a m...
Geostationary orbit - Wikipedia, the free enc...Satellites in geostationary orbits are far enough away from Earth that communication latency becomes very high — about a quarter of a second for a one-way trip from a ground based transmitter to a geostationary satellite and then on to a ground based receiver, and close...
Highly elliptical orbit - Wikipedia, the free...Bodies moving through the long apogee dwell can appear still in the sky to the ground when the orbit is at the right inclination, where the angular velocity of the orbit in the equatorial plane closely matches the rotation of the surface beneath.
High Earth orbit - Wikipedia, the free encycl...Name NSSDC ID Launch Date Perigee Apogee Period Inclination Eccentricity Highly Elliptical Orbit.1965-030A.1965-04-23538 km.39,300 km.708.0 min.65.0.1963-039A.1963-10-17101,925 km.116,528 km.6,519.6 min.37.8.
Recently it has become possible to connect the VLBI radio telescopes in real-time, while still employing the local time references of the VLBI technique, in a technique known as e-VLBI.[citation needed][edit] How VLBI WorksRecording data at each of the telescopes in a VLBI array.Any brightness distribution can be writ...
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