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03 II. Socrates.Socrates looked at him and said: “I return your good wishes, and will do as you bid.” Then turning to us, he said, “How charming the man is; since I have been in prison he has always been coming to see me ...and now see how generously he sorrows for me. But we must do as he says, Crito; let the cup ...
哲学的故事03(金发燊译本)No doubt this attack on democracy reflected the rise of a wealthy minority at Athens which called itself the Oligarchical Party, and denounced democracy as an incompetent sham.在长达20多年的伯罗奔尼撒战争(公元前431-404年)期间,斯巴达的陆军参加战斗并且最后击败了雅典的海军,由克里蒂亚斯领导的...
01(哲学的故事Will Durant朱安等译)哲学里大有可资读书人品尝玩味的乐趣,甚至就连形而上学的虚无飘渺也自有其动人之处,不幸我们都是肉身凡胎,七情六欲一下子就使我们从思想的高空堕入为了生计而锱铢必较的市场中来了。
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