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专八写作50条万能句型(一)继续来50条专八写作的万能句型吧~In my eyes, the causes of increasing... in China mainly lie in...I think it is a win-win strategy that benefits both... and...The increasing popularity of... demonstrates that the benefits of... are multiple.In this case, I think... should be encouraged to... if...
要评卷老师有好的第一印象,英语作文开头要怎么写?不过用故事做作文开头,有一个小技巧,一定要紧接着用一句话表达观点,解释hook和观点的关系。康康老师在南开大学毕业后,前往俄亥俄州立大学读第二语言教育专业硕士,在校期间脑抽筋看中了该校全美TOP5的专业写作与修辞(Rhetoric,Composition, and Literacy Studies),成为该专业史上第一...
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