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一分钟学个词|Preside.今天我们要学的词是 Preside.To preside 动词,有主持的意思。Pope Francis presided over an outdoor Mass in the impoverished outskirts of Mexico City. 罗马天主教教宗方济各在墨西哥城贫困郊区主持了一场室外弥撒。英国媒体报道说,100 judges and magistrates have received written threats connected to the ca...
一分钟学个词|Comply.The French data protection authority, the CNIL, has issued a formal notice to Facebook to comply with European data protection laws or face potential penalties. 法国负责数据保护的机构,法国国家信息与自由委员会正式通知脸书公司,必须遵守欧洲数据保护的相关法律规定,否则将面临处罚。
一分钟学个词|Connection.今天我们要学的词是 Connection.A recent report indicated that the NFL has favored doctors with connections to the league when awarding its concussion research funding. 最近的一份报告显示,美国职业橄榄球联盟发放脑震荡研究资金时,更愿意选择那些跟联盟有关系的医生。好的,我们今天学习的词是 Connecti...
一分钟学个词|Contemplate.今天我们要学的词是 Contemplate.Contemplate 动词,有深思熟虑的意思。Peyton Manning said he is contemplating retirement from the NFL after winning his second Super Bowl title. 曼宁赢得了他职业橄榄球生涯的第二个超级杯冠军后表示,他正在慎重地考虑退役。好的,我们今天学习的词是 Contemplate.
一分钟学个词|Outlay.今天我们要学的词是 Outlay.Outlay 作为名词,有费用,支出的意思。The outlay is less than half of what Ted Cruz, his nearest rival in the polls, spent during the same period. 他的竞选支出只占川普在民调中最接近的对手克鲁兹同期支出的不到一半。China Railway has set its fixed assets investment outlay tar...
一分钟学个词|Explosive.今天我们要学的词是 Explosive.The World Health Organization warned of the explosive spread of the Zika virus through the Americas. 世界卫生组织警告说,寨卡病毒很可能在美洲大陆出现爆炸性传播。Renewable energy continued its explosive growth in 2015, with a record breaking investment of $328.9 bill...
一分钟学个词|Placate.今天我们要学的词是 Placate.German Chancellor Angela Merkel tried to placate critics of her open-door policy for refugees by insisting that most refugees would go home once the conflicts are over. 德国总理默克尔坚持说,战乱结束后,大多数难民都会回家,以此来安抚那些反对向难民敞开大门的人。
一分钟学个词|Margin of error.Scientists at the University of Leuven developed a unique test of blood samples that can determine a person''s age with a margin of error of 3.75 years. 鲁汶大学的科学家们研制出了一种独特的血样测试法,可以判断出血样所属人的年龄,误差不超过三年零九个月。
一分钟学个词|Brain damage.美国一项最新研究显示,The vast majority of cases of babies born with severe brain damage are not the result of mismanaged deliveries. 大多数患有严重脑损伤的新生儿都不是接生有误造成的。
一分钟学个词|News conference.今天我们要学的词是 News conference.The first televised news conference was held on January 19th, 1955 by President Dwight D. Eisenhower. 美国第一次电视转播的新闻发布会是1955年1月19号由艾森豪威尔总统主持的。DC mayor Muriel Bowser asked residents to stay home in a news conference as the cit...
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