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【指南解读】《神经外科中枢神经系统感染诊治中国专家共识(2021版)》解读。神经外科中枢神经系统感染(neurosurgical central nervous system infections, NCNSIs),是指继发于神经外科疾病或需要由神经外科处理的颅内和椎管内的感染,包括神经外科术后硬膜外脓肿、硬膜下积脓、脑膜炎、脑室炎及脑脓肿,颅脑创伤引起的颅内感染,脑室及腰大...
根据不同的分类方法,TTM及TH有多种分类:(1)根据目标温度控制范围,分为正常体温(36.0℃≤核心温度≤37.5℃)、轻度低温(34.0℃≤核心温度<36.0℃)、中度低温(32.0℃≤核心温度<34.0℃)、中深度低温(30.0℃≤核心温度<32.0℃)和深度低温(核心温度<30℃)[10-11]。图1 治疗性低温过程分期1. 诱导阶段:(1)原则:①尽快达到...
Section IIIThe Seven Aneurysms: 14.后交通动脉瘤; 15.大脑中动脉瘤; 16.前交通动脉瘤; 17.眼动脉动脉瘤; 18.胼周动脉瘤; 19.基底动脉分叉动脉瘤; 20.小脑后下动脉动脉瘤。The technical response to intraoperative aneurysm rupture is an ordered sequence of steps: tamponade, suction, proximal control with temporary clipping, dista...
动脉瘤手术基本功--必要的脑切除---Seven Aneurysms系列第八期。Section IIIThe Seven Aneurysms: 14.后交通动脉瘤; 15.大脑中动脉瘤; 16.前交通动脉瘤; 17.眼动脉动脉瘤; 18.胼周动脉瘤; 19.基底动脉分叉动脉瘤; 20.小脑后下动脉动脉瘤。Brain transgression removes surgical obstacles such as the gyrus rectus, but is equally important ...
动脉瘤手术基本功--夹闭后的检查---Seven Aneurysms系列第六期。Section IIIThe Seven Aneurysms: 14.后交通动脉瘤; 15.大脑中动脉瘤; 16.前交通动脉瘤; 17.眼动脉动脉瘤; 18.胼周动脉瘤; 19.基底动脉分叉动脉瘤; 20.小脑后下动脉动脉瘤。■Persistent Aneurysm Filling-- 动脉瘤持续性充盈。动脉瘤管腔内的血栓、弹簧圈使动脉瘤壁不能闭合,将...
Fig. 6.2 Basic clipping techniques. (A) Simple clipping with a single clip. (B) Multiple clipping with intersecting clips. (C) Multiple clipping with parallel stacked clips. (D) Multiple clipping with an overlapping fenestrated clip closing the posterior lobe of aneurysm.Multiple clip-ping strategies are common a...
动脉瘤手术基本功--临时夹闭---Seven Aneurysms系列第五期。Distal temporary clips on efferent arteries together with proximal temporary clips on afferent arteries trap the aneurysm and arrest its flow, which may be necessary when final dissection calls for deliberately opening an aneurysm. Thrombotic aneurysms may requir...
近端控制点包括以下:后交通动脉(PCoA)动脉瘤的控制点在床突上颈内动脉(ICA)的眼动脉段、大脑中动脉(MCA)动脉瘤的控制点在M1段、前交通动脉瘤的控制点在双侧A1段、胼周动脉瘤的控制点在A2段、眼动脉动脉瘤的控制点在颈内动脉、基底动脉分叉部动脉瘤的控制点在基底动脉主干、小脑后下动脉动脉瘤的控制点在椎动脉硬膜内段。There is a range of p...
Section IIIThe Seven Aneurysms: 14.后交通动脉瘤; 15.大脑中动脉瘤; 16.前交通动脉瘤; 17.眼动脉动脉瘤; 18.胼周动脉瘤; 19.基底动脉分叉动脉瘤; 20.小脑后下动脉动脉瘤。Retraction Without Retractors--无牵开器牵拉。Failure to release these adhesions can injure or avulse the artery during retraction. Arteries should not be plac...
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